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How to determine which files may be on a specific sector of the datadiscs?

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Given: Array with 6 datadiscs (DD) and 2 paritydiscs (PD).
Paritycheck shows errors.


The History (Main-Tab/Historybutton) shows that there are Errors, but not where/how to find compromised files.
In the System Log there are the errors listed with corresponding sectornumbers.


But what now?


I guess the individual error is on one of the 8 disks (DD+PD). (every error can be on an other disc.)
It does not seem to be possible to see where the Error was, but my concern is mostly for my datafiles on the 6 DD.


The parity of the sectors works for the same sector on the 6 DD and the 2 PD.
So since I know the sectornumber from the Syslog: how to list the datafiles on the 6 DD that sit on that specific sectornumber?

When I knew the filename (and path), it would be far easier to check the 6 files (each on one DD) on that Sector to find if there ist a corrupt datafile.
That way I would only have to check 6 files per sectrorerror instead all files on all 6 DD, to find the discrepancy.


And yes: i know some sectors do not host files. they may be empty and some have other Headerinfo. But when there is a Userfile on the sector, then I would like to know ist to check it manually.


Sorry for my bad english, I am native german.

Thanks for your time.


Here the Info from the Main Tab:

PC-5ERRORS-SHIPON-###2022-07-19 15_06_48-UR-Shipon_Main.png


Here the Sectorlisting from the Syslog:

PC-SYSLOG-#ä###2022-07-19 15_07_33-UR-Shipon_Syslog.png

Edited by DataCollector
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