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Moving unraid to esxi

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Hey guys, hoping I can get some help.  I had to virtualize my unraid server due to rising eclectic costs. I got it running on esxi 7.03 for the most part. I did have one kernal panic so far.  I got everything up, but not able to get dockers to bridge right using br0 (so i can set my own IP for the docker container). .  I reset the network config and redid it. I pulled a offsite backup of the docker backup (as I accidently delete all of it when i was messing with everything), and tried to restore that and reinstall all the docker containers to no avail. I am able to access ones that are on the same ip as unraid, just not the one using br0.. 

Power costs is is about 45 cents a kwh if I remember right, and is going up 7-10% this coming month due to a coal plant shutting down.  I know its not really recommended or supported, but hoping i can get this to work.  Thanks for any help or suggestions.  I am also attaching my diag log


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I've been running unRAID on ESXi for around 10 years now, so there are no inherent issues in doing that.  That being said, I have never seen your issue.  I just looked at my config, and I have bonding and bridging off. I assume thats required to run dockers on their own IP.

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23 minutes ago, StevenD said:

I've been running unRAID on ESXi for around 10 years now, so there are no inherent issues in doing that.  That being said, I have never seen your issue.  I just looked at my config, and I have bonding and bridging off. I assume thats required to run dockers on their own IP.

Thanks, ill try that after parity drives rebuild.  I think I tried that and didnt work.  Do you run any dockers with their own IP?  Do you have anything special setup on the esxi host? Right now I just have a single nic attached to it, which is also used by other esx vms.  I had it set to 10gb adapter, but changed it to 1gbe to see if that changes anything, and it didnt. 

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2 hours ago, smartkid808 said:

Thanks, ill try that after parity drives rebuild.  I think I tried that and didnt work.  Do you run any dockers with their own IP?  Do you have anything special setup on the esxi host? Right now I just have a single nic attached to it, which is also used by other esx vms.  I had it set to 10gb adapter, but changed it to 1gbe to see if that changes anything, and it didnt. 

I do not have any dockers set up with their own IP.


Nothing special on the ESXi side, except I pass through all of my hardware:


Edited by StevenD
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I have a test instance running at work, it was only used for Docker, but don't really use it for that anymore.  Anyways, I think I may have found the issue.  I needed to change the 'Docker Custom Network Type' from 'macvlan' to 'ipvlan'   I will test after my parity rebuilds on production server.  (I was non 6.9 at lab, upgradede  tp 6.11rc3, so need to verify on 6.10.3

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