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Disk crash and then "Unmountable: Wrong or no file system"

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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When i logged in to my unraid server yesterday did I notice that one of the disks had collapsed (disk 4, sdc), many errors. So I turned of the server, replaced the disk with a new one and restarted and assigned the new disk the same place as the old one and started the array. Unraid started to read on the discs and write to the new one, ie restoring the data.


But when I logged in a day later when the restoring should be done, I get an error message from the disk saying:

"Unmountable: Wrong or no file system"


It is true that I did not format the new disk before starting to rebuild the array, I thought that this would be done automatically. It also seems like the monthly parity check started during the rebuild, finding zero errors.


What do I do now? Is the data lost forever, or can I assign a file system to the new disk?




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9 hours ago, trurl said:


Do you have enough ports to install the original disk? Don't assign it but it would be useful to get diagnostics with it and see if it is mountable as an Unassigned Device.

There is no bay free, but I could replace one of the cache disks with the original disk if needed.


1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

Run it again without -n or nothing will be done, if it asks for it use -L.

I needed to use the -L, see attached file.


xfs_repair status -L disk 4 2022-09-03.txt

Edited by Lidde
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30 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Disk should mount now, look for a lost+found folder.


It does, thank you so much! Both JorgeB, Trurl and Itimpi!


I am using Crashplan for the important files, but there was a lot of files not backed up that is saved now. Really appreciate your support!

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