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still running 6.2.4 but want to upgrade

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I have been painfully running 6.2.4 for years and while its been somewhat stable I cannot stand missing out on the new features and plugins etc available in the newer versions. A few questions. Is it safe to manually upgrade all the way from 6.2.4 to the current 6.11 or even 6.10.3 or 6.9.2? if not, is there a version you  recommend me upgrading to from 6.2.4? Shouldnt have went this long without updating but have not been able to do it except manually and thats made me nervous. After reading up on it, seems pretty straight forward. I dont have any plugins or VMs running. Just a 12 drive array, no cache, 1 parity. 

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it appears I need to manually backup the config, is there any difference between pulling the files off via the network while the server is running or should I power down and pull the files off the flash drive right before manually extracting / overwriting bz* files? 

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  • 2 months later...

found this tab still open in my browser so decided to come back and give an update.. might not be needed, but maybe someone in the future finds it helpful. 



smooth update all the way from 6.2.4 to 6.11.5.


for anyone nervous about updating I hope this helps. Cant believe I didnt update sooner. SMDH

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