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Changing Docker Repositories

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Hi there


I've installed from Unraid - Apps serveral dockers application and they work all fine. Now, I've added a second server and during the setup, I've noticed, that several dockers, which are running on my older server, are quite outdated, even though I regullary check for updates.

The reason for the outdated version is the changed repository (as far as I understand). Here an example with the Trilium docker:



This is the setup which I have on my "main" server. As you can see the repository is bgameiro/trilium. But when I installed trilium on my new server, the apperance changed, as it was a much higher version. The repository in this case is zadam/trilium:



In both cases it was referring to the same application inside "Apps" (you can see it based on downloads), but the changed repository is excluding my docker from updates (as the old one is depricated and I didn't see / understand that). The same happens also to other application as for example lidarr.


Is there a way to get notification, when the repository for you docker application inside "Apps" was changed and you should take any actions? As otherwise I have to recheck manually all the application, if the repository is still correct, in order to get updates / security updates.


Thanks for any advice!


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1 hour ago, Doublemyst said:

Is there a way to get notification, when the repository for you docker application inside "Apps" was changed and you should take any actions? 



If the original template was actually deprecated, then installing Fix Common Problems would let you know that you have a deprecated application installed.  If it wasn't deprecated and the author simply changed the repository, then nothing that Fix Common Problems can do to alert you.

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27 minutes ago, Squid said:



If the original template was actually deprecated, then installing Fix Common Problems would let you know that you have a deprecated application installed.  If it wasn't deprecated and the author simply changed the repository, then nothing that Fix Common Problems can do to alert you.


Hi Squid, thanks for the reply. Is it possible to add this as feature request to unraid, or maybe fix common problems plugin? I mean it might help to get more security for the unraid users, if they understand, that their application aren't getting any security updates, as the repositories changed. Maybe some sort of additional checkbox, which will also check if the repository on users dockers and the one in their "Apps" container is still the same?

I understand, that the "Apps" is not really part of official Unraid, but this plugin is so important, that without it Unraid is just to 70% Unraid and helping users to fix their security vulnerabilities (even if not caused by Unraid OS itself) might be a very good cause.




Edited by Doublemyst
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