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Share not utilizing cache or additional drives in the array

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I have six 10TB drives in my array, plus cache. I set up my /data share to use the cache drive and all of the disks, but it appears to have never touched the cache drive (as of two days ago there was no /data on the cache, I manually created it in hopes of fixing the issue) and will only write to /disk1


The share is set up with the following settings:

Use cache pool: Yes

Select cache pool: cache

Enable Copy-on-write: Auto

Allocation method: High-water

Minimum free space: 1TB

Split level: Automatically split only the top two directory levels

Included disk(s): All

Excluded disk(s): None

Share status: Share contains data


I have this share mapped into two docker containers as /data <-> /mnt/user/data which have been loading data into the share, but are now reporting there share is full and have stopped functioning. /disk1 is completely full, but the remaining 5 disks have about 30TB free.


I previously used mc to move some files to /disk3/data (when /disk1 first started reaching capacity) and my dockers can see the moved files, so reading from the share perfectly fine the problem seems to be just writing.


Do I have something configured incorrectly that is causing this, or should I report it as a bug?


EDIT: To add more context, if it helps. I used to have separate /media and /download shares. I created the /data share a few weeks ago so I could make /media and /download sub-directories of the same share and allow the docker apps (with reconfigured mapping) do hard-linking when moving files between the directories instead of rewriting all the 1s and 0s of a move between shares.

I then used mc to move the files from the old /media share into the new /data/media.


EDIT 2: For anyone future person with this issue, see my last post here with what I believe is the cause and solution. Will add another edit in a couple of days to confirm.


Edited by Old James
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2 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

What size is you cache device/pool? Also note that split level overrides allocation method.


I actually have 2 cache drives: a 250 GB for appdata and domains, and a 1TB for everything else. This share uses the 1TB which has 900GB free.



7 minutes ago, trurl said:

Make sure this typo is not the actual host path you specified. 


The user shares are in mnt/user


You are correct, that was a typo. I am going back to fix.



6 minutes ago, trurl said:

Are you sure the files were never on cache? Maybe they were already moved to the array. 


Attach Diagnostics to your NEXT post in this thread. 


A few days ago as the drive first exceeded 9TB utilization (I thought based on my settings it wouldn't allow it to cross this line) I looked at the cache directory and there was no /data on that drive (would UNRaid delete the share folder when running mover?).

Diagnostics attached to this post. Thanks.


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7 minutes ago, trurl said:

You seem to have 3 pools but only 2 drives. I think maybe something got messed up when you renamed your pools.

I had an NVME drive assigned as cache*, but removed it to pass through bare metal to a Windows VM.


When the VM is shutdown, that drive currently appears as an unassigned device instead of a cache pool.

EDIT: The NVME spent less than a day as a cache drive and I don't think I ever assigned a share to use it.

Edited by Old James
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Just now, JorgeB said:

That would be the other way around.

Oh, I have /data/media/movies/family_videos_2022/
I want it to split when I create /data/media/movies/family_videos_2023/
I think level 4 is what I want for this structure, correct?


When you say the other way around is that my split level should remain 2 vs 4, or calling 2 low and 4 high is the wrong terms?

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3 minutes ago, Old James said:

Oh, I have /data/media/movies/family_videos_2022/
I want it to split when I create /data/media/movies/family_videos_2023/
I think level 4 is what I want for this structure, correct?


When you say the other way around is that my split level should remain 2 vs 4, or calling 2 low and 4 high is the wrong terms?

That looks like 4 is the correct value if you want family_videos_2023 to exist on multiple drives.

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