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Rebooting / powering off randomly

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Had this UnRAID server for about 5.5 years now. Has been running flawlessly until recently. Server will power off or reboot and be offline. I have not made any hardware changes immediately before the issue starting occurring. I thought it might be my M.2 SSD Cache drive, so I removed that and started it back up to get a parity scan going, but then it rebooted again. I was starting SAB/SONARR when they went offline, but I have had them off when it has powered off / rebooted. 

MEMTest came back fine after 2 loops. Was going to try the PSU next since there are really no obvious logs when I tail -f /var/log/syslog in a PUTTY window. I had the mover going every 2 hrs. on the cache and that was typically the last entry in the syslog so I thought it might be the cache.


I was going to scan the CPU and whatever else I can with HBCD.


I have a fairly low-power setup. On-board graphics, i5 6600k and only 5 spinning drives and a SSD cache. I don't recall the PSU size, but I can have a look at it. Fairly-dust free and all fans are spinning free and fine. doesn't seem to be a cooling issue. 


The NAS is connected to a rack-mounted Eaton UPS with other network / security camera gear, so I'd know if the UPS was failing or powering off.


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4 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

That's a good idea, board next if it's not the PSU and you have another available.

Thanks. Curious to see if anything in the logs shows any errors. If not, then it must be something core-hardware that doesn't report/log. I have a spare PSU, so I'll do that first. Board... that's harder. I might just rebuild it with a new board / CPU to upgrade if that is the next choice.

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25 minutes ago, jholman76 said:

Was going to try the PSU next

I have never had a PSU issue on an unRAID server but the behavior you describe sounds quite a bit like a failing PSU.  I have experienced similar behavior on desktop computers and a PSU swap was the fix in all cases.


It does sound like you have a hardware-related issue and these are often hard to track down as usually all you can do is replace suspected components and see if the problem goes away.

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1 minute ago, JorgeB said:

Syslog in the diags starts over after every reboot, you can enable the syslog server but if it's a hardware problem most likely there won't be anything relevant logged.

I had a putty session open with a tail -f on the syslog and it didnt show anything obvious, or really anything about a shutdown at all, so its more like it was just powered off abruptly as you are mentioning. I saw the mover as one of the last entries so that is why I tried the cache first.

Swapping the PSU and going to see if I can complete a parity check.

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