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Server Randomly Crash/Restart

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hi all,


Looking for some guidance, I'm a unraid noob so please be gentle... My server keeps crashing/power cycling and I cannot figure out why, sometimes it crashes and is completely unresponsive but Unraid login still shows, other times it just dies and starts the boot up process again from bios.


Started by doing this very randomly, has slowly worked its way up to crashing every hour. Things I have tried... PSU swap, Upgrade to Unraid to 6.11 from 6.9, CPU swap, Flash drive swap, Mem test, removed 10gb nic and run onboard... I'm sure there is more but not that I can think of right now. If anyone has any suggestions my ears are open.


Now in my ultimate wisdom of trying to repair, I broke a sata connector to one of my drives and now the array does not start... I have the diagnostics before I fixed a cache drive issue 27/12/22 but now I'm kind of stuck, I have another drive to replace my stooopid mistake but if I start the rebuild I can almost guarantee the crash and I'm sure its not going to do the array any good.


Back to the diagnostics... what file should I be looking at to find the errors? Would appreciate any help or suggestions you have.




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