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Bulk change of CPU pinning for docker containers

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I recently upgraded from a 24C/48T CPU to a 32C/64T CPU and now need to rearrange all my docker and VM pinning - I only have 10 VMs, so that was super easy, but I have over 70 docker containers. 99% of them use the exact same pinning config.


Is there a way from CLI or API to modify the pinning config for a container in UnRAID, vs having to wear my mouse out clicking on the CPU pinning settings page.


Also is there a way to set a 'default' pinning config for new containers that are created? or do I need to adjust every time i add something?

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17 minutes ago, Kilrah said:

Not aware of such a script but it's typically not recommended to pin Dockers at all in the first place.

Even though I have 8 of my cores isolated. (8 cores, 16 threads), I am still seeing docker container processes use them - Only way around that seems to be pin the docker containers to other cores to stop that happening.


Unless there is another fix for it?

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3 hours ago, dcoulson said:

I am still seeing docker container processes use them

Where are you trying to pin the containers to?  Isolated cores or the non-isolated cores...  Also, what version of the OS as IIRC there was an issue with earlier kernel releases where this could have happened.


As a general rule, there's not much need to pin containers to cores at all unless you want to limit their performance by not using all the non-isolated cores

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12 hours ago, Squid said:

Where are you trying to pin the containers to?  Isolated cores or the non-isolated cores...  Also, what version of the OS as IIRC there was an issue with earlier kernel releases where this could have happened.


As a general rule, there's not much need to pin containers to cores at all unless you want to limit their performance by not using all the non-isolated cores

I'm running 6.11.5 - I am trying to make sure my docker containers do not utilized the isolated cores that I want to dedicate to VMs. I realize everyone says that docker won't use isolated cores, but that doesn't appear to be my experience right now - For example, I am isolating 8-15, but seeing containers use it (tdarr_node for example), and the containers themselves have no pinning configured at all.


So could be a bug I suppose?

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