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Unable to connect to Web UI consistently

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I have no idea what has prompted this because I don't believe I've changed any settings since it last worked (approximately a week or two ago). I am able to connect with at least one machine which is hardwired, however multiple wireless devices, as well as remote devices using a vpn are unable to connect past a nginx 404. The hardwired device, connecting in the exact same manner is working fine. I do have SWAG running, but it shouldn't be catching the webui.


Edited by Adiventure
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You are unable to use the ip.hash.myunraid.net url because DNS rebinding protection is enabled on your network.  You may be able to get around this by using as your DNS provider, or you may need to Google "disable dns rebinding [your router name]"



Based on your settings, these urls should work:


Note: You need to specify the "http" part or your browser might try using https instead, but that is not enabled.


If you have further questions please provide the exact url you are using, including the http:// or https:// part 


For more information about enabling SSL, see https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Security#Securing_webGui_connections_.28SSL.29

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On 2/17/2023 at 4:58 PM, ljm42 said:

You are unable to use the ip.hash.myunraid.net url because DNS rebinding protection is enabled on your network.  You may be able to get around this by using as your DNS provider, or you may need to Google "disable dns rebinding [your router name]"



Based on your settings, these urls should work:


Note: You need to specify the "http" part or your browser might try using https instead, but that is not enabled.


If you have further questions please provide the exact url you are using, including the http:// or https:// part 


For more information about enabling SSL, see https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Security#Securing_webGui_connections_.28SSL.29

The struggle is it's that's not working and is popping up that nginx 404 error.

The struggle is it's that's not working and is popping up that nginx 404 error. Sorry for the lack of clarity, I should have, and thought I did, specify that I was trying the IP. Attempting to connect via VPN to my router http://tower.local gives a nxdomain. 


Router is a Unifi UDMP, DNS is being done locally by a PiHole w/ unbound. 

Edited by Adiventure
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17 hours ago, Adiventure said:

Attempting to connect via VPN to my router http://tower.local gives a nxdomain. 

.local domain names are typically just available on the local network, MDNS does not resolve over VPN. So over VPN you would want to connect by IP address


17 hours ago, Adiventure said:

The struggle is it's that's not working and is popping up that nginx 404 error.


On 2/17/2023 at 10:27 AM, Adiventure said:

I do have SWAG running, but it shouldn't be catching the webui.


A 404 for http://ipaddress doesn't make a lot of sense. So either your browser is being "helpful" and upgrading you to https (which *would* throw a 404 for your settings) or maybe SWAG is getting in the way.  How about disabling SWAG while testing just to rule it out.


With SWAG disabled, please show a screenshot of your browser accessing http://ipaddress (not https!) along with the error message



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