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Unable to Hibernate or Shutdown VM properly withouth crashing unraid gui(VM tab)

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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I have 5 windows 11 VMs on my machine, One of them passes through RX580 GPU, Its configured as per spaceinvader video and works well when on. The moment I shutdown that VM or hibernate it(I have oemu guest agent as per Manual/VM Guest Support - Unraid | Docs) the VM tab on gui goes unresponsive and only option is to hard power reset. I did bound the IOMMU group related to video card to bios.


Please help, am I missing something in settings to have this work properly.





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I have the same issues with the difference that I passthrough a Nvidia RTX3060Ti

When I manually shutdown the VM and try to start it from the VM-Tab, die GUI gets unresponsive.

I can delete browser data and login again until I either try to get into the VM-Tab or VM-Settings page.


I only found a reboot to solve this for me.

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GPU passthrough is basic stuff, Unraid developers should figure it out and have a inbuilt solution, not complaining but for many applications, you need a decent GPU, and VM with GPU passthough causing all sorts of issues with Unraid Gui is annoying( I hate hard reboots)



Its a hit or miss with any video card with these plugins/scripts. I wish this gets addressed soon in upcoming releases.




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  • Solution
On 3/14/2023 at 6:37 PM, sonisame said:

GPU passthrough is basic stuff, Unraid developers should figure it out and have a inbuilt solution,

Not sure this is something the Unraid developers can fix as they just include in Unraid the Linux KVM subsystem that they do not develop :(  I think in practice this is really going to be up to the KVM developers to fix.   If they can get it to work reliably on the Linux kernels that Unraid uses it should also start working reliably on Unraid.

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