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My Shares keep dropping off nearly daily (solved)

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hey all, 


Wondering if the collective mind can help, my shares are dropping off nearly daily, the error on the shares page is - There are no exportable user shares. Now I have had this before after upgrading and a reboot from GUI resolved.


However now a reboot is not working, neither starting or stopping the array helps.


I have to do a hard reboot, which of course kicks in a parity check which I can not finish either as the shares don't stay up long enough.


Attached are diagnostics, and I know the shares were active up to approx 15:30 on April 23rd as one of my users accessed Plex and started watching something, so in the last 4 hours is when the shares dropped off.


Let me know what I should try to help get it back up and running properly again 


Edited by helvete
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I am seeing the same thing. After several reboots my shares continue to be missing. I found this thread and disabled docker, rebooted and shares are back. I enabled docker and turned all containers except TDARR back on. The shares are still showing up. Is there any more info on this as far as TDARR is concerned? I have left it off for now until I can find out more info. Attaching my latest diag file.





Edited by bclinton
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On 4/29/2023 at 8:07 PM, bclinton said:


Were you able to resolve this? Looks like this is identical to my problem.

Hey, i'm not sure how to diagnose but it seems in my case it was the tdarr docker that was a symptom, i have't done a full memtest as yet to see if the ram is going - but either way i think new ram in on the cards

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