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Server Keeps Crashing

Go to solution Solved by trurl,

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Thanks. I downloaded and ran the free Passmark memtest. I'm getting a ton of memory errors. I have two 8GB sticks. I've tried testing both separately and they both produce errors. One produces fewer errors than the other. I'm going top try running the server with the better stick while I order new RAM. I'm only running a couple of Docker containers so even with 8GB I'm OK. Odd that both sticks went bad,

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1 hour ago, Himay said:

One produces fewer errors than the other. I'm going top try running the server with the better stick while I order new RAM.

You shouldn't even attempt to run any computer unless RAM is working perfectly. Everything goes through RAM. The OS and other executable code, your data, everything. The CPU can't even do anything with anything until it is loaded into RAM.

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