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rebuild failure / stop / pause

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I've had a HDD failure, no big deal, I replace it and rebuild starts.

during the rebuild, second HDD fails (lets hope no other on fail). no big deal, I ordered a new one and will change it when the rebuild of the first hdd will be over.


but the rebuild process is stuck at 45.9%... I have seen it continue because hdd are reading and writting but the % doesn't change.

now it looks like it is finished because no more read / writes, but process still going.

so I can't stop array or reboot.


any help?



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According to the diagnostics an unclean shutdown had happened:

May 26 07:46:50 Nostromo  emhttpd: unclean shutdown detected

and later this

May 26 07:48:20 Nostromo kernel: mdcmd (37): check correct

showing a correcting check was initiated which is not normal after an unclean shutdown (unless you started one manually).  No idea why though.

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