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Unraid API Error, API KEY: Network_Errornetwork

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please help


I'm getting this error "Unraid API Error, API KEY: Network_Errornetwork" (there is more, I can't copy it something 'can't connect to mothership.unraid.cloud or something like that'

I'm on v 6.11.5


that said - pinging, or even www.google.com is working fine!


my real problem is that I want to download some plugins to preclear a disk (if you see in my log non of the devices are connected, I'm in the middle of rebuilding the server. I wanted to run a preclear on a disk that will replace one of my previous ones, before all the part for rebuilt arrive, but I can't download or update plugins...


I also deleted network settings, and configured them fresh. tried adding all the DNS like, and even for the apps (not sure its even related to plugins, but hey, had to try) - nothing.


UPDATE: I also tried to Log Out of the MyServers, but I got this error

Error: {"message":"Request failed with status code 403","data":"Oh noes! something doesn't seem right here"}

also, I downgraded to 6.9.2 - but still nothing works. no internet, no 'logging out', nothing.




So..., me and CHAT GPT have figured everything out!

I had a corruption of the Unraid OS.

at the beginning we kinda were in a loop going back and forth - 'check DNS, set DNS to , restart router ....etc etc', but once I started to feed it some lines from the log, and some other observation, as we run some other tests suggested by GPT - it came to a conclusion that I have an OS corruption. 

we reinstalled the OS, saved all the configs, and that's it! everything works!



for record - I used the paid version GPT 4.0, its a lot smarted vs. 3.5. 


to Summarize for people who may have same problem as me -

- IF pinging www.google.com/github.com/any other WORKS

- IF you restarted all your routers/AccessPoints (Wi-Fi stations)
 And you still CAN'T access the internet (community apps, or updates, or OS updates), - CONSIDER REINSTALLING FRESH UNRAID OS!

/!\IMPORTANT/!\ to BackUp 'Config' folder from your Unraid flash drive before reformatting /!\/!\


I also recommend to test the flash drive with H2testW app (its for windows only unfortunately, other versions like for Mac did not work...), but VM to the Resque - anyway this app fills the flash drive with data then compares it, if flash drive has bad blocks or something - you will know. (btw - I just found that one of my NEW usb sticks from SanDisk was dead! so, great tool - btw - guess who recommended to use it :) )


Good Luck!!!


Disclaimer: I'm not associated with Chat GPT in any way, just a regular technically inclined user, who's incredible impressed by AI language models - can't wait for the future implementations!




Edited by Baron_Harkonnen
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm glad you are back up and running! As you saw, Unraid Connect needs a working Internet connection, so if there are issues at the OS level those have to be resolved before Unraid Connect can work. Pretty cool that ChatGPT was able to help you out

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  • 2 months later...
On 6/9/2023 at 12:24 PM, Baron_Harkonnen said:

/!\IMPORTANT/!\ to BackUp 'Config' folder from your Unraid flash drive before reformatting /!\/!\


Hi bro, Im having the same problem as you. Did you fresh install using the same USB drive and then how you restore your old config then if you fresh install it?

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