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HELP - Suddenly can't see UNRAID server or SMB Shares

Go to solution Solved by JLKunka,

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I set up my UNRAID server (Version: 6.12.0-rc6) and SMB shares following SpaceInvader's excellent instructions. All was well for a few weeks. Lately I cannot see the server or it's shares from other Windows machines. There is a Win10 VM running on the server that IS visible to other computers. This VM can see the UNRAID server and the Shares.


I am also running a Zerotier network, which was working fine. Same issue, can't see the UNRAID server or it's shares. The admin console for Zerotier shows the UNRAID server is online.

Here's some screenshots from Windows Explorer, top shows the VM (visible) but no server. Bottom is explorer view from VM showing the server and mapped shares.


I'm at a loss for what changed. Network is private, computer visibility "on", etc. What am I missing?



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Having the similar issue here, after the reboot that was necessary after the 6.12.0 update. 
Interesting: all other share I created seem to work. The 'main'/default share which simply shares the 'whole' array, just disappeared after the reboot/update

The error in WIndows is explainable in my case: You are trying to connect to a non-existing SMB share since it just disappeared

Edited by Lowrence
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2 hours ago, Lowrence said:

The 'main'/default share which simply shares the 'whole' array, just disappeared after the reboot/update

If you mean a ‘root’ share (which as mentioned is not a standard feature of Unraid), then you should now achieve this by using the functionality for doing this built into the Unassigned Devices plugin.

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These were user shares, initially visible on Windows PCs. Looks like windows update turned off some features supporting SMB shares:

In the below example, SMB 1.0/CIFS Client was not checked, only visible when the group is expanded. Maddening, as I turned these all on when I set up the shares. Once I turned them back on and rebooted, bingo the UNRAID server and it's (mapped) shares are visible once again.


Thank you to those that replied!



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  • 2 weeks later...

New update:


The UNRAID sever (or any of it's shares) is once again not visible on the Zerotier network. Reading all the threads on this and similar issue with little insight as to what will fix it. Seems like none of my PCs running on the Zerotier network can see it now..

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