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Dell R710 Perc 6i to H700 Swap

Go to solution Solved by Candle02,

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Alright so I ran into a wall with this one. I had my UnRaid setup on a dell R710 with a Perc 6i. It was running great except I was running out of storage. My solution was to change my Perc 6i to an H700 to accomodate larger drives. I made the swap physically, on boot my bios or raid setup utility sees the drives without issue. I boot into UnRaid and they are nowhere to be found. I dont want to set them up as new drives with a raid 0 and then mount them because they are all full of data (Around 5TB total). My question is can I manually mount these into Unraid or run a disk fix utility to bring them in without data loss? If I must I can put the 6i back in and move the data off, go back to the h700 and set it up as a new array with raid 0 in the bios and then move the data back I was just looking for a better soluion than that.

Any info is appreciated!


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