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[Solved] Missing br0 network with UNRAID 6.12.0

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hi all, recently I noticed my docker containers weren't auto-starting. I figured it might be a glitch in the 6.12.0 RCs, and didn't think much about it. But yesterday I noticed that my PiHole containers aren't starting even after I click "start all". Digging a little more, I found that they had lost their IP addresses, and that br0 wasn't listed in the available networks:


I tried rebooting, and also following the docker network rebuild instructions in this thread, but neither helped.


I'll attach my system diagnostics. I'll also attach my docker and network settings. Any help would be appreciated.


Things I've done recently: installed various 6.12.0 RCs, installed a gluetun container to experiment with (which created a proxynet I think), booted the computer with the network cable unplugged.






Edited by coppit
Marked solved, added 6.12.0 to title
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