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6.12.3 no "replace key" option in GUI

Go to solution Solved by Kaldek,

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I just installed a new DOM-based USB key for my server, following all of the instructions located at https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/changing-the-flash-device


There is NO "Replace USB key" option, and it appears this is because I upgraded my license on the 14th of July.  I have had this USB key for over four years.  This is ridiculous, why is a license upgrade classed as a "key replacement"?



Edited by Kaldek
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13 hours ago, JonathanM said:

That screenshot shows "Replaceable: Anytime" so it doesn't appear to be a too soon issue.


Have you tried installing and connecting the "Unraid Connect" plugin? I seem to remember something about key management being moved there.

I have access to all that, and it looks like the image below.  Unfortunately there appears to be no documentation on "Signing Out" a key and what that all means.




It drives me up the freaking wall when I find this lack of documentation update.  Documentation must never be delayed and must be part of the release process!  It keeps a high workload on the tech support folks when there's just no need if the damned documentation would be updated.



Edited by Kaldek
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  • Solution

Support had to do a manual key replacement to fix this issue.


I literally just listened to the unRAID podcast where the support guys were saying license key management was a major headache.   Guess there's still a lot of work to do at the back end.

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  • 5 months later...

Not meaning to resurrect a dormant post, but I thought I'd post to offer help to anyone else who encounters this.


I had this same issue and it was caused by me having extra license keys in my /boot/config folder.

-rw-------  1 root root    256 Nov 15  2021 Basic.key
-rw-------  1 root root    256 Jul  9  2023 Plus.key
-rw-------  1 root root    256 Oct  4  2021 Trial.key

I removed all but Plus.key and then then I was able to replace the key. I also used the latest Unraid Connect plugin to help with this. It pointed out the multiple key files.

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