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App Updates Best Practice

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Hi All,


Just curios on the best way to update? I currently have Nextcloud, MariaDB, Swag, Uptime Kuba, Dashy and a few other little things running. I normally update when I get a notification that an update is available. Is this best practice? I’m guessing the docker container gets updated and pulls down the latest update for the required app? I just down want to run into an issue like I had in Truenas where my Nextcloud wasn’t getting updated then the version went too far ahead to be updated.


Any advise appreciated.



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Selecting "apply update" next to the docker you wish to update is all that is necessary for most dockers.  For Nextcloud specifically, updating the docker container does not update the Nextcloud app version.  You need to login as Admin and select Administration Settings-->Overview and update from there.  In my experience, each update required manual tweaks to complete and wasn't seamless.  Here's the Nextcloud upgrade reference material.

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6 hours ago, dboonthego said:

For Nextcloud specifically, updating the docker container does not update the Nextcloud app version.

That is container specific. The very popular LSIO container now DOES update the app.


There is no such thing as a generic overall best practice, as the thread topic asks. You MUST take each container and look at the support thread to figure out the specific care and feeding instructions.

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