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Docker WebUI links wrong after network changes

Go to solution Solved by veri745,

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I recently got a new router and changed my network config.


My old network had a subnet of, and my new network has a subnet of


My unraid server used to have a fixed IP of, and now it is located at


I updated the network.cfg with the new network info: IPADDR/GATEWAY/DNS etc, updated my port mappings for my docker containers, rebooted the server, disabled/re-enabled docker.


But still, the WebUI links for each of my docker containers links to  This is the new subnet, but the old fixed IP octet.


What do I need to do here?



Unraid version is 6.12.3

Edited by veri745
unraid version info
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Also note, it's not all docker containers.  One new container I added gets the proper WebUI link, as well as a couple of the old ones, notably the containers that connect via VPN, which needed config changes before they would connect afterward.


But restarting/shutting down individual containers, nor disabling/re-enabling docker seems to fix the others.

Edited by veri745
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8 hours ago, veri745 said:

I recently got a new router and changed my network config.


My old network had a subnet of, and my new network has a subnet of

Hindsight 20/20, it probably would have been much easier to reconfigure the new router to match the old settings instead of reconfiguring the rest of your network.

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30 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

Hindsight 20/20, it probably would have been much easier to reconfigure the new router to match the old settings instead of reconfiguring the rest of your network.

Yes, except I wanted a different subnet because it created issues with connecting to my wireguard VPN from remote networks using the same subnet.

Maybe there's another way to fix that, but I figured new router/firewall install was a good opportunity to do so.

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