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Not able to access all Docker containers over Wireguard

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I've been using Wireguard successfully for a while. I can connect to all the devices on my local network while I'm away. Recently noticed I can't access several Docker containers, on the local network while I'm away from my house and connected to my unRAID server via Wireguard RTA...  while some containers I can reach.


For example: I can access an Agent DVR container by navigation to the ip addrsss / port ( but I can not access the Firefox, Plex, Tautulli containers using their IP address and port. They all are on custom networks (br0.60). I tried IPvaln and MACvlan. Tried "Host access to custom networks." Same result. 


Here are the networks I'm allowing for this WG peer: AllowedIPs=,,,,


Note: I can connect to all these containers using IP address when I'm on the same local network not using a VPN. 




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5 hours ago, ljm42 said:


I don't think this sounds like my issue. As I can reach all devices on my local network when accessing from a peer to my network via a Wireguard tunnel remotely except for some docker containers. I can reach one docker container, AgentDVR by navigating to the IP address and port number of that container. All other containers which are all on the same custom network (br0.60) as AgentDVR I cannot reach. 


Have you heard of this? I've been stumped for months. 


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