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Nginx still listen old IPv6 address after changed


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Unrad OS:6.12.4

I'm use SLAAC to get IPv6 address.

Sometimes I need to reboot my route then IPv6 prefix will change.

Unraid will get new IPv6 address and I can ping to it.

But look at network in WebGUI, it's still show old IPv6 address.


And use 

netstat -tulpn

to show listening address and port.

It will show nginx listening old IPv6 address.



/etc/rc.d/rc.nginx reload

to restart nginx then I can access WebGUI with new IPv6 address.


How can it automatically listen new IPv6 address?

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 I think, what you see is not a bug but a feature of ip V6.


It is common to have many addresses at the same time and if a new prefix is announced, a new local address is added but the former one is kept too. This is because there maybe still open connections (local ones?) to the old address, like your open web connection.

It will time out some (rather long) time ahead once all connections have been closed (or maybe even NEVER if you keep it up).


But, new connections can be made to the new address already and offgoing connections will use only the new address from now on (of course, NEW connections only too).


So this is a graceful way to change addresses.


Try it out, wait for the situation to reappear and try to start a new connection using the new prefix+address. I bet it will work.

If not, its a bug of Dockers (they are not really bright with IPV6) or this particular NGinx docker.

(I don't know for sure, I have static V6 addresses, no prefix change here)



Edited by MAM59
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1 minute ago, Kation said:

I can see adapter get new IPv6 address.

But nginx still listen old IPv6 address.

you should see that ifconfig gets BOTH addresses.

If NGINX does not recognize the additional address, its a problem with that particular docker. Report to the support forum of the docker.


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