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unraid version 6.12.6 - server consistently becoming unresponsive after upgrade

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I recently upgraded to 6.12.6 from 6.10.something, and since then, my server has been consistently becoming unresponsive. Remote access goes dead, the web UI times out, and I get connection refused when trying to SSH. I have a monitor connected to the server, and there's simply no display when this happens, and keyboard inputs do nothing. This has happened now 3 times in the last 5 days or so.


The only way to get it out of this state seems to be a hard reboot, which I'm always hesitant to do, because the array seems to still be started when this happens, and the first time I did the hard reboot, I corrupted one of my disks and had to repair the filesystem to get it back into the array. Parity check that ran after the second time it was hard rebooted found ~700 errors across 8TB of parity, so I'm worried about further corruption if this continues to happen.


After the second crash, I have configured syslog to dump onto the array, but in looking at the log, there doesn't seem to be anything logged during the problem. I've attached both the diagnostics file and the syslog file that is on the array.

syslog- cherry-diagnostics-20231210-1249.zip

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Yes. It crashed some time between Dec 9 19:42:03 (I can see I logged in remotely) and Dec 10 12:30:59 (when I rebooted the server).


There's simply nothing logged between those times, so I can't tell exactly when it went unresponsive.


This is the only crash that has happened since I started the syslog. I've set up external monitoring now, so I should get a better idea of when exactly it crashes, but I don't know how much help that will be if nothing is logged during the crash...

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It just crashed again this morning. again, nothing in the syslog at the time of the crash.


When you say hardware issue, do you mean the USB, or my physical hardware (motherboard/etc)?


Any diags I can run to test the hardware and see what might be failing? Not sure if unraid has anything like that built in... my motherboard is old enough that it doesn't have built-in diagnostics that I'm aware of...

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@count-zero I have similiar issues, random crashes and nothing in the logs. For me all started with the 6.12.x builds. What I noticed during the last weeks as long as I'am not logged in Unraids webui it doesn't crash. I now close any VNC VM windows and logout from the webui if I don't need to use it. Firefox on a Windows machine I use tu administrate the server. 


@JorgeB did you heared about that "phenomenon"? I have tested basically everything. Disks are ok, no errors. Memtest no errors. Switched to different power outlets, configured all sorts of stuff in the BIOS, with or without virtualisation, different power saving modes, disabled all sorts of devices like wifi or BT cards. Also disabling Docker or VMs or even running Unraid in Save Mode for a couple days didn't help. It always crashes between 4hours uptime up to 3-4 days with nothing logged.


Now the interesting part. During all that crashes I had a Firefox window on another Windows box with different Unraid pages opened. Sometimes the Docker page, next time the Dashboard or the Main tab. As soon as I log out and close the Firefox Tabs surprise surprise crashes are gone.


I saw a lot of threads opened with random freezes and crashes with the 6.12.x Unraid builds. Most people had issues with MacVLAN, switching to IPVLAN didn't help for me. Maybe this is something you can tell the people to test to pin down the problem.

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1 hour ago, bastl said:

What I noticed during the last weeks as long as I'am not logged in Unraids webui it doesn't crash.


Interesting… I do leave the unraid remote management window open often. I will try closing it and see if my system is stable.


If still unstable, I will continue with hardware diags, but this did all start after I upgraded to 6.12.x, so I’m interested to see if it’s the same issue.  

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Okay, so leaving the remote management window closed did not help it from crashing. still crashed. THIS TIME, I have a bunch of kernel errors in the syslog from before the crash.


I noticed it start becoming unresponsive around Dec 14 15:00:00, but looking at the logs, the kernel errors started well before that, around Dec 14 00:10:32.


I've attached the logs. @JorgeB could you take another look and let me know what you think of these logs? Still suspected hardware issues, or something with Unraid?


I haven't been able to leave it in basic NAS mode yet, so that test is still outstanding, but maybe these logs will shed more light on the issue.


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Dec 14 15:13:40 cherry kernel: macvlan_broadcast+0x10a/0x150 [macvlan]
Dec 14 15:13:40 cherry kernel: macvlan_process_broadcast+0xbc/0x12f [macvlan]

Macvlan call traces will usually end up crashing the server, switching to ipvlan should fix it (Settings -> Docker Settings -> Docker custom network type -> ipvlan (advanced view must be enabled, top right)), then reboot.

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I think I may be in the same boat. Everything was working fine until today when I found I could no longer connect to the unraid. The box was running and I started the GUI on the server after a reboot and started the array to find that networking is failing going out and now it says that it can't mount the XFS drives which was odd as I thought they were using ZFS before I upgraded to 6.12.6

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