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Can't connect remotely anymore after 6.12.6 update

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Hi, all.

Getting quite frustrated. I can not connect remotely anymore through the app or anywhere. It seems I can not reach the few dockers I have exposed either so I don't understand the problem. It all worked perfectly before the update.

These are my settings:



And these:




Is there anything obvious I am missing?


Also I have a asus GT-AC5300 router so I have setup it up as a DDNS Client so I have my own "hostname" i usually access my stuff remotely from but none work.


I am not really great at networking so I understand I might be missing something here, anything would be greatly appreciated.


And happy New year to all of you celebrating that now.

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6 minutes ago, tormi said:

Wow about the WAN IP - it is actually wrong. Checking on WHats My IPAdress both the Unraid reported IP and the real IP start with 79. so I missed that they are the same. How the heck does this happen?


Something on your network is routing outgoing traffic from the Unraid server through a different WAN IP than you are expecting. I'd guess you have it behind some sort of VPN service, but I don't know.


Whatever WANIP is used for outgoing communication from the server is the same WANIP that is used for the port forward check and when the Connect Dashboard checks for Remote Access availability.

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I took a look at my router settings. I had my DNS server setup to point to my pi-hole. I now removed this and pointed it to Google DNS instead:



I don't know if this should matter at all, but after changing these settings. I rebootet my Unraid server and also my router. Still the same issue is there.


I have also setup WAN - DDNS in my router if this could have any importance.



I would just like to add that I had remote access before the update even with these settings. As far as I know I do not use any VPN. Any more tips on what I could check to figure this out?


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Hi, I need to let you know that you are not using Unraid Connect Remote Access as intended.  All you are doing is exposing your webgui to the Internet, you are not using our full solution which includes a valid certificate for ip.your-personal-hash.myunraid.net.

This is not secure. I would highly recommend NOT using your own DDNS with an invalid certificate, see this blog post for security best practices:

Having said that, I am trying to figure out what has caused this to stop working between 6.12.4 and 6.12.6.  Please do not respond with these private details publicly, either send me a DM in the forum or open support request:
and ask to have it reassigned to ljm42. Either way, please include a link back to this thread so I can more easily follow the conversation.


1) Please show me a screenshot of your router port forwarding config. It should show TCP port 44444 being forwarded to, port 443.
2) Please provide me with the full url (including the port) that you think should work to access your server remotely.
3) Go to Settings > Management Access and copy/paste all of the "Local Access URLs" that are listed there. 
4) Open a web terminal and run:

curl https://wanip.unraid.net

Then copy/paste the results. This will tell me your server's WAN IP.
5) In your normal browser from your normal Mac/Windows/whatever computer, while on the same network as the server, with no VPN running, visit https://wanip.unraid.net/ and copy/paste the results  
6) Note that on a normal network, the WAN IPs shown for #3 and #4 will be the same. If they are different, you will need to do some research to figure out how your network has multiple WAN IPs.

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Just to update. Since yesterday I have contacted my ISP. And voila, it seems they had done some changes a few weeks back, not letting me know about it. So they had to make a quick fix on their side and all is working again now. I now have the same WAN IP on my router as I have on the internet.


Anyhoot thanks for the tips above @ljm42. I was aware my setup was not very safe I will definitively try to use it as "intended". One question in that regard though.

Now that I have access to Unraid, and also a few of the dockers I want to access remotely, will setting it up in the "intended" way with certificates and VPN make it harder for me to connect remotely? If I have to install SSL certificates and the likes on the remote computers it is a problem for me, as I want to be able to login to these few dockers and Unraid from my work computer. This works now, and i am not allowed to install anything on the work computer.

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