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I cant download or install anything to docker

Go to solution Solved by trurl,

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I have no clue how this is working, I have read everything I can find about this but nothing seems to be working, would love it if someone could help me out. 


I have a fairly new unraid server and am trying to install some apps to docker, Duck DNS and Plex. Everytime I do I see the screen that I have attached, nothing I do will fix it.

Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 19.49.29.png

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  • 5 weeks later...
7 minutes ago, trurl said:

Currently, you only have DNS1 set, and it is set to your Gateway.


Google DNS is easy to remember so I will give those.


Go to Network Settings and set these






Oh my gosh that has solved it haha!

Thank you so so much I have been so frustrated by this 

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