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Server hangs every 18-48 hours

Go to solution Solved by Drillpin,

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I have set up a new server to automate alot of tasks I used to perform on my desktop, and I decided to go with unraid as the OS. It's my first time ever dealing with Linux, so interpreting the logs is like translating a different language. For troubleshooting I have already changed my usb drive, disabled fast boot and XMP, and turned off virtualization. The server hangs have existed since I initialized the server. can anyone point me to what I should do to stop these hangs?

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28 minutes ago, Drillpin said:

I tried to run memtest from the boot menu earlier and it would power reset the server and send me back to the boot menu

I would suggest getting the version from memtest86.com which supports UEFI booting as well as generally being more up-to-date.

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26 minutes ago, trurl said:

I don't think that one will work with UEFI boot so you might have to try another option.

3 minutes ago, itimpi said:

I would suggest getting the version from memtest86.com which supports UEFI booting as well as generally being more up-to-date.


I'll grab that and run it this weekend and report back later.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • Solution

Correction: I found out that my qbitorrent docker had too many active downloads for my system to handle. A funny side effect of this would be that parity checks would take an estimated 30-60 days to complete, and the rest of my containers would be very sluggish as well.

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