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XFS errors

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First of all, Im drasticly Under informed when it comes to knowing how linux systems work. I know the minimum and I didnt set this system up myself. I also think it was set up poorly to begin with. 

After a power outage my system came back online showing XFS errors "Metadata corruption" I went through the process of starting the array in maintenance Mode going to the disk and running the repair. The repair would run but it would still show as unmountable or no file system. My raid array is a hardware raid through a raid card so it only shows up as 1 disk in unraid. Not that that means anything. If i run the repair status again with -N it says everything looks fine. If i reboot the system it will need repairs again. Im going to guess I have a bad drive but i have no idea how to find out which one it is. Or if thats even the case. The info on the system is not replacable. I wouldnt die if i lost it but its pretty much all my photos and videos i took of my life as a kid. I would say its important. 

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Do you mean that you ran the xfs_repair without -n and it still showed as unmountable when you start the array in normal mode?   That is very unusual!


You really need to put in place a process for backing up important data that is not easily replaceable.

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Yes I ran it without the -N, 


im aware having redundant systems in separate locations is the way to go. For mostly complete security of data loss. I don’t have the money to do so. I was gifted this system for repairing a neighbor’s dirtbike years ago. I’m talking back in 2012. The drives I believe are newer as I had him upgrade them in 2015. The system is in raid 5 so it is lossless redundancy if I have lost 1 drive I will still be completely fine. 

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1 hour ago, EnduroFurry said:

My raid array is a hardware raid through a raid card so it only shows up as 1 disk in unraid. Not that that means anything.

It means everything. This is not the way Unraid is designed to work. This likely means Unraid is irrelevant to troubleshooting your problems and recovering your data.


1 hour ago, EnduroFurry said:

all my photos and videos i took of my life as a kid. I would say its important. 

A single copy of important data is always a very bad idea whatever your setup is.


You may have to rely on whatever capabilities your RAID hardware has to troubleshoot. Or seek professional help.


What version of Unraid do you have?

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6 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

This is not recommended and may be part of the problem, you can still post the diags to see if there's anything visible there.

I’m not sure how to do that. Again I don’t know much about the system it wasn’t set up by me so I didn’t do research on it. 


4 minutes ago, trurl said:

It means everything. This is not the way Unraid is designed to work. This likely means Unraid is irrelevant to troubleshooting your problems and recovering your data.


A single copy of important data is always a very bad idea whatever your setup is.


You may have to rely on whatever capabilities your RAID hardware has to troubleshoot. Or seek professional help.


What version of Unraid do you have?

It may not be the place to solve my issue but I’m not sure were else to turn to. 

as I already stated, I’m very aware a single copy is a poor choice. I didn’t have a choice as I went through a motorcycle accident that left me unable to work for 4 years. I had to sell everything I had to stay afloat. Literally the only thing I kept was that server blade. Which I even sold the cpu and ram from at the time as well and bought back later. It’s been on my list of things to deal with just didn’t work out it seems. 

I have no idea what the raid card has. It’s from 2009 I doubt it’s going to be much help. Reading through unraids repair log though it’s finding all the files in the drives so I don’t think they’re gone it’s just not able to establish paths I think or names for some of them. 

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Sorry for the late responce it was 3am and i needed to get some sleep

Im using 6.11.1

Yes i ran it with the GUI 

Here are the 2 reports you asked for.

New devolopment. I got the Array to dock and come online. However i have no idea how to see whats in the array. there paths were messed up. In the past I needed run the repair every time the server restarted so im going to leave it online and wait futher instructions. 

XFS repair output.txt toasterstorage-diagnostics-20240115-1409.zip

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I would really recommend recreating the array with a non RAID controller and giving Unraid direct access to the disks, the configuration you are using is not recommended, but if you have filesystem issues after every reboot it's beyond just not recommended, it should not really be used.

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13 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

I would really recommend recreating the array with a non RAID controller and giving Unraid direct access to the disks, the configuration you are using is not recommended, but if you have filesystem issues after every reboot it's beyond just not recommended, it should not really be used.

I would however this system uses SAS drives and i dont have the required parts to convert it. Right now my main consern is to get my important data off. then I can play with it wipe it etc. I risk loosing the raid if i mess with it. I just want to pull the data that it does see while i can. Keep in mind this was not a problem i for many years. its not like this is a first set up and it doesnt work. Something changed i may have a bad drive or a faulty raid card. but as i stated before i want help figuring out the mapping while unraid reports no errors and things are working. 


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11 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

You can use SAS drives with for example an LSI HBA.


Try to repair the filesystem, run xfs_repair without -n, and re-start the array.


I already did the repair. As stated above. Right now unraid sees the raid and thinks everything is ok. I want to pull my data off before doing anything further. If what I found is true and every time I power it down it causes more corruption I want to avoid that so I can keep as much data as possible.

I have no clue how to proceed. do I set up file shares with the new paths? So I can pull that data onto another system? I never set any of this stuff up so I don’t understand how this network attached storage actually got onto my my main system. Right now if I click my pinned access to the file system on my main rig it says it cant fine the path. 

its 3:30am again for me. I will catch up with replies in 8 ish hours 

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From these latest diagnostics:

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1        6.4T  4.4T  2.0T  69% /mnt/disk1
shfs            6.4T  4.4T  2.0T  69% /mnt/user0
shfs            6.4T  4.4T  2.0T  69% /mnt/user

This would seem to indicate you have data on disk1 (the RAID array I presume), and user shares has that same data.


However, the shares folder in your diagnostics disagrees.


Just to check again, what do you currently get from command line with this?

df -h


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