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[Support] Nodiaque - Gameserver docker

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Ah ok I gotcha. One last question, is there a way to make the server run off local unraid ip? During the server startup i see in the logs it uses external IP but you have noted to not edit the ip in the config file. Trying to figure out how to just connect through lan so i dont need to open ports. My girlfriend and I will connect locally.

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It doesnt use external ip per say. It will resolve the external ip automatically so when it publish on the game server browser, it put your external ip. That's why you shouldn't touch it, it is dynamically changed each start of the server and I think it detect ip change. 


Port forwarding is never needed when playing locally unless you have a firewall between the server and you (you don't). 


You can simply put the server ip in the game and it will connect. The server simply listen to its port and its own ip. It doesn't listen to the external ip, it doesn't even have that ip. 

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10 hours ago, Nodiaque said:

It doesnt use external ip per say. It will resolve the external ip automatically so when it publish on the game server browser, it put your external ip. That's why you shouldn't touch it, it is dynamically changed each start of the server and I think it detect ip change. 


Port forwarding is never needed when playing locally unless you have a firewall between the server and you (you don't). 


You can simply put the server ip in the game and it will connect. The server simply listen to its port and its own ip. It doesn't listen to the external ip, it doesn't even have that ip. 


Thanks, ended up finally getting it to connect. Had troubles seeing the server but all good now.

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