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Docker Apps and VMs missing

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First, I think I did this to myself but I'll try my best to recreate the sequence of events.  Last night I was preparing to copy my share data to an external (unassigned) drive for backup.  I was reviewing the filesystem and noticed that I had a /system folder on one of my array disks.  I thought this was odd because my system share is set for Cache as primary storage and Array as secondary.  There is plenty of available space on my Cache so I concluded that the /system folder on the array drive was left over from some previous evolution and wasn't needed.  I confirmed that the dates on the files in the array system folder were several months old.  Furthermore, there was a system folder on my cache drive with with files that were modified today.


Assuming I didn't need it, I moved the array system folder to another location on the array.  The destination doesn't use the cache and is excluded from my backups.  I then proceed with backing up my share data to the external drive.  I let it run all night and while I was at work I got a notification that a parity check had started.  That was odd so when I got home I checked the GUI and saw that unassigned drive had an icon next to it saying "reboot" (I use the unassigned devices plugin).  I've never seen that before so I paused the parity check, stopped the array and rebooted.


After reboot I'm missing all my docker apps and VMs.  I copied the /system back where I moved if from and stopped/started the array.  Still no luck.  I stopped there, and thought I'd reach out for help.  I do use Appdata backup and those backups seem to be current.  Happy to provide any information that will further help troubleshooting


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I've been looking at my director structure.

  • There's still folders for all my dockers in /mnt/cache/appdata
  • There's still folders for all my vm's in /mnt/cache/domains

Are you saying if I reinstall the dockers it will use the previous settings and not start over from scratch?  That's good news.

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Thank you for all the help, I got it sorted out.  I stopped the docker and vm services.  Then I was able to restore the /system directory to its default location on /mnt/cache.  That put the previous versions of system\docker\docker.img and system\ibvirt\libvirt.img back in their original locations.  Once I started the docker and vm services back up, everything was back to normal.

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