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Parity disabled - read/write errors

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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For a couple of weeks parity drive was getting UDMA CRC Error Count notifications which generally is harmless and potentially related to bad power and/or data connection. My cache drive (SSD) has been racking up those for a few years now with no problem.


Now however parity is disabled with syslog full of read&write errors with parity being disabled. Is there still a chance this is a bad connection, or time for a drive change? Bit odd how quickly I'm going through WD Reds though.


Edited by tuxbass
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I have the same issue with the parity disk being disabled.  I swopped this out for a new drive and all worked for a few weeks and now the new replacement drive is showing as disabled.  I have looked at the diagnostic data for the failed drive but I am at a loss as to the probelm.


I have attached the diagnostic zip file and would appreciate any direction as to what is causing the issue.  





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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/7/2024 at 9:53 AM, JorgeB said:

Looks more like a SATA cable problem, but the disk dropped offline so there's no SMART, replace the cable and post new diags.

Been swapping power & data cables between the drives (including SATA ports on mobo side), and absolutely nothing has changed. Although I'm not seeing I/O errors for the drive in the syslog anymore. Also done an extended SMART test for the drive with no problems surfaced.

Just some idiopathic failure?


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Ah, didn't realize. Is this the way to re-sync the parity?


unassigning the parity drive, then starting and stopping the array (that makes it forget the current assignment), then reassign the parity drive and restart the array


Edited by tuxbass
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