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Needs a solution to cool my hdd on my old basic desktop case.

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in the picture I've just started the parity check but in reality... it gets hotter than that. my unraid server keeps on crashing after a while in the middle of every parity check since I've add 3 new drives to it. I'm guessing its because of the heat my drives go throught(I don't have any fans). Could i add fans on the bottom pushing air up and stick them with 3m tape or something add a little 90mm exhaust fan. More importantly, would it cool the drives? What other solution do I have for it to cost the least possible.


Capture d’écran 2024-04-17 220434.png


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What's your budget?

I think you need 2 change two things. Your case and (as stated before) your power supply.

You need decent cooling in your case. Second hand cases can be found for cheap, if not free. If you are from france, check 'leboncoin' or similar.

I can't see the brand on your psu but judging by the casing and cables i guess it's a noname-psu or an old one which should be replaced asap.

At least put a fan on those drives. Remove the front 5.25" or 3.5" brackets and velcro/stick a fan on it. Move your ssd's to the bottom of the case so you get more space between the hdd's.

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10 hours ago, NinjkaPower14 said:

I don't think its the probleme... As you can see I should have enough room power wise.


Thats not a PSU, thats a china joke. Totally unstable with spikes and so on. Get a real one (and a better case too as stated above).


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Posted (edited)

Alright, I will change my PC case and PSU. I'm from a small village in Quebec, Canada, and I don't have a place nearby to buy a second-hand PC case. Could someone suggest a budget case that can support all my drives and is future-proof at a low cost (on Amazon or Newegg)? Also, how can I cool the drives in the case?

Edited by NinjkaPower14
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I'm from europe so newegg and amazon are not my natural habitat for buying pc components. A sort-of decent ATX-case with at least 2 fans (intake/exhaust) included costs about €70 where i live. A quick search points me towards a Fractal Desing Core 2500 but there may be other/better cases available in canada. An 'OK' powersupply adds another €50. Look for reputable brands like Antec, Corsair, Be Quite!, Seasonic, Silverstone. Also, search the web for 'PSU Tier List'. There is some good info there.



17 hours ago, NinjkaPower14 said:

Also, how can I cool the drives in the case?

With airflow. Which you don't have  :) To make things worse, you're drives are mounted at the top of the case. Hot air rises and heat is building up right where your drives are mounted.


What is your budget?

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Thanks a lot, everybody. I  just bought what's on my wish list. I was thinking about adding an Intel Arc A-380 low profile for transcoding in my Jellyfin server. I know it's not really the place for that, but I want to hear what you're thinking. I actually have an Intel i5-7400 with QuickSync for transcoding in 1080p. About five people max could use my Jellyfin server at the same time. Do you guys think it could be worth it to add the GPU to transcode my files in H.265 for them to take up less space and for a better overall experience? Also, my motherboard is micro-ATX with a single PCIe x16 lane used for my SATA extension. So I would have to change my motherboard. Would it be worth the time and money for my use-case?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/21/2024 at 4:46 AM, NinjkaPower14 said:

Would it be worth the time and money for my use-case?


We don't know. Do you need more than 5 streams? My rule of thumb: If my server can do everything i need then it doesn't need an upgrade :)


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