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Is there a way to add the usb tv tuner to plex?

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Good evening. In Unraid 6.12.10 I have installed plex and a  compatible with plex usb tv tuner from Hauppauge. I couldn't get it to work with tvheadend so I'm looking for a way to add the usb tv tuner to plex . I looked in settings and the tv tuner is recognized as Bus 005 Device 003 Port 5-1 ID 2040:8265 Hauppauge dualHD.

Can anyone help?

I'm relatively new to Unraid

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On 5/5/2024 at 3:09 AM, ikariwths said:

Thank you bmartino1 for the help.so my usb is the 

Bus 001 Device 002: ID 2040:8265 Hauppauge dualHD

can you help me connect it?

The instructions are here:

On 2/4/2024 at 9:13 AM, PzrrL said:

I have been searching for an answer and finally was able to do so! This reply also serves as my future reference.

  1. Plug in your USB device (not sure if restart is required)
  2. Open the Unraid console
  3. ls /dev/serial/by-id


  4. Copy the device name, for me it is `usb-Nabu_Casa_SkyConnect_v1.0_ba7a2aba7a2aba7a2aba7a2a-if00-port0`
  5. In your docker config, add another Device
  6. Make sure to have the Config Type and Value correct as below
  7. Config Type: Device
    Name: Any Device Name You Want
    Value: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Nabu_Casa_SkyConnect_v1.0_ba7a2aba7a2aba7a2aba7a2a-if00-port0:/dev/ttyUSB0
  8. Done!

Please note that the value before colon is the path to your USB device, and the value after colon is the path within the container. It wasn't sccessful when I was trying to do


, until I do




The USB device then shows in my Home Assistant container.

You may need to install a dvb driver to pass it. https://www.reddit.com/r/unRAID/comments/pmlta9/trying_to_pass_through_usb_tv_tuner_to_plex_docker/


ls /dev/serial/by-id




and find the your tuner usb device via serail by-id. this is to gurantee a device grab...

example output: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Hauppauge and other noman data at port#

we will then add it to plex by adding a /dev/ttyUSB0 device in the docker





add the device output:


Otherwise with the plugin installed pass the entire /dev/dvb folder

per quote: 


On 10/24/2023 at 12:31 PM, Eddie Seelke said:

Nevermind, I got it.


Instead of adding a container device, you need to add "--device=/dev/dvb/" to the extra parameters field.

you can then terminal into plex and run ls usb and see the device. in plex search for tuners.



Now to add it to plex:



You will need to have a subscription with plex to use a tuner with it! https://www.plex.tv/plex-pass/

Edited by bmartino1
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thank you again bmartino1 ffor the great and detailed help.Unfortunatelly it returns an error and i can not give 

ls /dev/serial/by-id

to the console.

I get this error 

/bin/ls: cannot access '/dev/serial/by-id': No such file or directory

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is the plugin installed?

do you see it in setting under the dvb driver section?

There are setting and firmware that need set!

what is the output of
ls /dev/dvb

is the tuner there?
Ok then pass the entire dvb folder in Plex by adding this to the extra permeates(seen with advance toggle on). If you have other text in there keep it, add this option to the end!

we need to see the tuner in the plugin first.

Edited by bmartino1
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Posted (edited)

image.thumb.png.7d0847ac82a1724a3e02b5be86cdde71.pngYes it is installed .the output of ls /dev/dvb is     adapter0/  adapter1/



i have added   --device=/dev/dvb/ as i mentioned in the second post but no luck


Edited by ikariwths
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Posted (edited)

I would recommend you use linux.io docker image. I have a love hate relationship with binhex dockers. Binhex has done a lot and great things, but plex was not one of them in my experiences.

It may not be working as That docker iamge may not have the same dvb driver capabilities to use it with that docker image file....
with plex running console in you should be able to also use ls /dev/dbv and see the adapter 1 and 2 ...

You will need to stop and remove that docker and install a different plex docker... This means you will need to recreate your Plex server. :(

I would recommend you switch to this docker for plex:

I also recommend you use a different network / static ip


this docker and template has items in the extra place: image.png.929702ffcbd5353750041a9a80552c82.png

add the --devices /dev/dbv to the end of that text...

I have found Linux io to be more encompassing of docker and updates faster than binhex to maintain a fully up-to-date and supported plex system.

ALSO make sure you have downloaded the dbv drive by hitting update and download and have rebooted the unraid system...


I would like to see a screenshot of the dbv info...


I'm not sure if you have the DBV driver installed or not yet...

Edited by bmartino1
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So heres a screenshot with dbv drivers


Can i use plex from linux server and plex from binhex at the same time ?I need several days to make the the transition  because i have a lot of playlists

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yes if you setup Linux plex under a custom ip as this will not have a port conflict.

Thank you for the info

I believe you should be using TBS-OpenSoucre Package for the drivers.
click that option hit doiwnlaod and update and reboot unraid.

You may also want to verify that the tune is working in unraid before trying to mount the folder:

Do you have an output of ls /dev/tuner ?

To test the tuner you would need to install a docker like this:

Otherwise link to this thread to that forum and download your diagnostic and share it with them they will be able to assist you further.


Edited by bmartino1
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On 5/3/2024 at 5:09 PM, ikariwths said:

couldn't get it to work with tvheadend so I'm looking for a way to add the usb tv tuner to plex .

Which Plex container are you using?

Please try to use the official one since I have some reports that the binhex (and I think the linuxserver.io) container has issues with TV card support.

Did you also read the first thread from the DVB Support thread that @bmartino1 linked above on how to utilize the card in a container?


On 5/3/2024 at 5:09 PM, ikariwths said:

compatible with plex usb tv tuner from Hauppauge

If it's a compatible Tuner then it should work right OOB.


I would however strongly recommend using that method as described here and use a middleware because you get way more flexible and at least from the posts in my support thread it seems to work also really reliable:


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it is a plex supported tv tuner from hauppage.

Yes i already tested  tvheadend with succes on unraid .

today i will try using TBS-OpenSoucre Package for the drivers,and  the two versions of plex the original and the linuxserver. 

is there a fast and easy  way to change from binhex plex to the other one? 

Edited by ikariwths
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9 hours ago, ikariwths said:

is there a fast and easy  way to change from binhex plex to the other one? 

I don't think so because the folder structure differs a bit IIRC.

The safest bet is the Official one (if you look in the support thread for the DVB Driver you would see that other people had also had issues with non official containers).


9 hours ago, ikariwths said:

TBS-OpenSoucre Package

Please don't do this, the correct Tuner is already recognized and it is also working because you see it in TVHeadend, this is a container issue not a driver issue (don't do unnecessary troubleshooting).

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Posted (edited)

Thank you ich777.

Linux IO has had some support with this on their forum. But I'm having a hard time finding their support list... it was on linux.io at one time. I have a different tuner that works with linux.io which I why I recommend the switch.

The Unraid official docker is:


A template should already exist by hitting add container and selecting the template Plex media server.

To tell what Plex docker you have, edit Plex > advance toggle > repository:

Even if you changed the repository to the correct docker image, the template and data are not the same.

The reason why I recommend the tbs driver was another post in the dbv forum, as this is a "dual" tuner and to use it to render the Signal for plex live tv we would need to specify the tbs channel. This was back in unraid 6.9 era though...

Edited by bmartino1
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9 hours ago, ikariwths said:

it is a plex supported tv tuner from hauppage.

Yes i already tested  tvheadend with succes on unraid .

today i will try using TBS-OpenSoucre Package for the drivers,and  the two versions of plex the original and the linuxserver. 

is there a fast and easy  way to change from binhex plex to the other one? 

If you have success in tv head end and are getting a correct signal then don't touch the drivers!

This then becomes a issue of porting the device into a docker and the docker having similar drivers to use the tuner.

I agree with ich777 that if binhex is not working, use the official docker. I run and do advance linux stuff and can get things working. If the offical is supposed to be the correct docker then please use the official plex docker passing the device via the extra parameter /dev/dbv ....

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