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Missing details and sections on WebGUI affecting browsers (but not Incognito)

Go to solution Solved by blitzio,

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Hey community,


I hope to get some help with a WebGUI issue affecting my browsers.


The version number, details, Connect, and Update sections on the top right are completely missing.


But when I tested it in Incognito mode, it seemed to show up just fine. I have also turned off all my adblockers and other possible extensions that may cause conflicts, but it still doesn't seem to work.


What it looks like on regular Chrome and Brave:




What it looks like in Incognito mode for both browsers:




Browsers used:

  • Chrome
  • Brave


I have tried clearing cache for both browsers and I still don't see the correct UI. It only shows up when using Incognito.


Has anyone had a similar issue or knows of a fix?



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26 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Make sure you are using the latest Connect plugin release.


Yup already updated it and still have the issue. Also, it isn't just Connect that is affected there are other text like version number, uptime, etc missing. But on Incognito it all shows up normally.



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1 hour ago, blitzio said:

Also, it isn't just Connect that is affected there are other text like version number, uptime, etc missing.

Yes, but those also won't work if the plugin is out of date, because it replaces some core files, try booting in safe mode just to rule out any other plugin issue, if the same make sure you don't have an Ad-blocker/firewall blocking the GUI.

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35 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Yes, but those also won't work if the plugin is out of date, because it replaces some core files, try booting in safe mode just to rule out any other plugin issue, if the same make sure you don't have an Ad-blocker/firewall blocking the GUI.


Ok understand thanks.


I just booted in safe mode and the issue is still there so that rules out other plugin issues I guess.

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I assume you are already running v6.12.10? If yes you can try booting a new flash drive with a stock Unraid install, no key needed, then re-test with the same browser, if the problem is still there it's the browser, if it's not, it's something in the config, possibly a corrupt file.

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Posted (edited)

Ok I may have found the issue and temporary solution after some extensive testing and by process of elimination.


Since I could see the WebGUI was loading just fine on Incognito, I also tried other browsers and profiles that don't have my regular set of browser extensions. They all loaded fine and worked properly.


I then started to remove every extension I had one by one until I found the culprit.


It's a very niche issue, and doubt many people use this particular extension but it's called "Pocket Universe," and its a Web3 security-focused extension that blocks phishing sites, malware, etc. After disabling the extension the WebGui loads perfectly.


Anyway I have reached out to the support and devs of that particular extension to let them know of the issue and hopefully they can properly whitelist the Unraid WebGui and and improve that extension because its probably unknowingly blocking other legit sites too.

Edited by blitzio
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7 hours ago, blitzio said:

hopefully they can properly whitelist the Unraid WebGui


I could see that catering explicitly in the standard extension for Unraid could be an issue.   However, sounds like at the very least there should be a whitelist capability (assuming there is not already one) so you can explicitly allow sites you determine are OK.

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