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1 failed device, reboot, parity check

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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First disk fail for me since starting with Unraid.

The latest HDD "disc 8" I've added to Unraid array disconnected, it was unable to see SMART, is emulated (I have two parity disks). I tried to stop the array but it wouldn't stop.

Exported diagnostic(attached) & Shut down system.

Swapped the cables on disk8, boot up.

Disk8 is still disabled but I can see SMART with no issues, is emulated.

But right away a parity check started, it has ten hours to go & Sync errors corrected:960

Should I let it continue parity check, I'm confused about why it did a parity check. Or I can swap Disk8 with a new HDD



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Was running a Syncthing docker sync when problem occurred.

Disk8 (disabled, emulated) is running a SMART extended test but has been hanging at 10%

Parity check has slowed to a crawl, if it's not done by morning I assume to cancel it & replace the HDD & rebuild

Not clear why Unraid ran the parity check after reboot while an HDD is disabled, is normal?

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Disk 8 did end up passing Extended SMART test

Swapped cables on Disc8 & that Parity drive as well

On restart it allowed me to add this drive to the array & began to rebuild disk 8.

Pretty quick Disk8 went disabled again,  seeing things in the log I do not understand

(Trying to decide if I do a new HDD or continue troubleshooting computer parts.... thank you for all the assistance)




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in-progress update...

  • I swapped the Disk8 HDD out for a fresh HDD WS24QHAP & started a rebuild. After many hours it did end up getting disabled, at which point @JorgeB confirmed it didn't look like the HDD itself anyways
  • This morning I noticed the power cables had a gratuitous use of Molex to Sata splitters, so I rewired to something that appeared more sane & balanced. Didn't see a change. Noticing my PSU is quite old, maybe worth ordering a new one(?).
  • Swapped the SATA cable on Disk8 WS24QHAP with the SATA cable to WS24QGHA. This seems to be a good swap as they are both new cables added after the problem began & it swaps a mobo SATA & a PCIe card SATA.
  • Rebuilding. There's some errors in the log but looking to see if now WS24QGHA gets disabled


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Amazing, things seem back to normal. Will keep an eye out for repeat issues, diag atached.

when I rewired the Molex adapters my claim was "no change"... but that was the moment I probably should have rebuilt. Seems like that was the issue.

Thank you for all the amazing help, learned a ton of things to look for. Very appreciative Unraid comes with a great community!

(Now I have a Disk2 SMART error to deal with but that's something I have more of a handle on)


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Disk2 was showing SMART errors pointing to a potential fail
removed Disk2, started array & Disc2 appeared missing & emulated
shutdown, swapped a physical disk WS24PGY2, Selected it for Disk2 in array, started array in maintenance mode, Unraid requested a data rebuild & 10 hours later looked good.
(I should mention that this disk WS24PGY2 was previously "Disk9" that I had replaced troubleshooting an earlier problem. I've since read that this shouldn't cause issue but recommended to reformat before adding... which I did not do at the time)
Disk2 WS24PGY2 has a green normal operation icon but is unmountable, not emulated
option at bottom was to format the HDD, I did not format. Started array in maintenance mode, ran a Check Filesystem Status on Disk2 WS24PGY2
After check, disk appeared to be part of array again, emulated & option to Data-Rebuild present... started  Data-Rebuild
My first Parity HDD went down during the scan and the scan seems to be stuck with only option to cancel the scan. No reads or writes are happening & the estimated time isn't changing
Parity(1) is disabled (note that I have a 2nd parity disk)
Disk2 is still emulated
Exported diagnostic, curious if related to the other issues from this week. Guessing I'll have to cancel the in-progress Data Rebuild


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51 minutes ago, mathchris said:

but recommended to reformat before adding

That won' make any difference.


52 minutes ago, mathchris said:

not emulated


52 minutes ago, mathchris said:

After check, disk appeared to be part of array again, emulated & option to Data-Rebuild present... started  Data-Rebuild

Something is missing here, was it emulated or not?

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Installed the new PSU with all new included power cables.

Disk 2 WS24PGY2 is giving troubles again. First a warning it can read but not write. Then "Unmountable: Unsupported or n file system".

It passed an Extended SMART check. Ran a Check Filesystem with no change. Log attached.


So this thread started when WS24PGY2 was Disk8 & it became unmountable, now that I've reformatted/rebuilt it as Disk2 is same problem. Maybe time to RMA WS24PGY2; does that seem plausible?


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Hmmm, as per the quote below, I can't get Disc 2 to mount. Guessing to do what it says, -L?

(I assume it's not safer to replace the HDD & build a new HDD from Parity... because it's not a disk issue & the issue may follow to the new HDD from the parity?)


ERROR: The filesystem has valuable metadata changes in a log which needs to be replayed. Mount the filesystem to replay the log, and unmount it before re-running xfs_repair. If you are unable to mount the filesystem, then use the -L option to destroy the log and attempt a repair. Note that destroying the log may cause corruption -- please attempt a mount of the filesystem before doing this.


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