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Cannot add watch folder to Deluge- path does not exist (Rclone synced folder)

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Hello, I am trying to setup deluge to watch folders that sync with dropbox.  This will allow me to add torrents from my phone when I am mobile and my server will process them.  Anyways, I have rclone all setup properly and dropbox syncing.  I have added the folder paths to the deluge docker container. 


The issue is when I use the "AutoAdd" plugin inside of deluge the specific folder "addmovietorrents" does not exist.  What is frustrating is that when I view the folder contents from a terminal (within the docker) it does exist.  I have tried a combination of things including moving my rclone setup to a folder that already exists within deluge (this reports a read / write error instead of path does not exist).  I don't understand why I can add almost every other folder without issue except any folder that rclone is syncing with.  Any help is appreciated.  See screenshots.


docker folder setupdockersettings.thumb.png.da5d236f1ceda80b3b0cbbb84bcadfdd.png


docker output on creationdockeroutput.thumb.png.7549668fa3d507d053663e6aa3c24894.png


deluge yelling at me



docker terminal showing that the folder path does existdockertermina.thumb.png.98658183135b7f07e2a2b25dc9d44b97.png


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I'm wondering if rclone is causing security issues and/or changing folder properties but my understanding of this falls a bit short. 


Example, I moved my rclone sync folder to exist within my plex library shares just because I KNOW that my docker has access to this folder (mnt/user/plexmedia).  When I try to setup the "autoadd" feature in deluge I get an error saying I don't have write permissions to this folder instead of "path does not exist". 


I can read/write to the plex library just fine and the folders I am using in rclone are further down in the directory.  This hints to me that rclone may be changing the folder properties?   

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Yes, you probably have the wrong permissions set up in rclone. I'm on mobile right now. But if you search for rclone in my posts you will find a post that can help you. I can find it for you later tonight when I'm home from work. 

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So I tried something else only for testing purposes and it did allow me to better understand what is going on but I still don't have a solution for fixing it.. 


I changed my docker share to reflect a folder that rclone is not syncing to (/mnt/user/dropbox/).  I set the container path the reflect "/dropbox";



I then went into deluge and added the watch folder "/dropbox".  When I click add it works as it is supposed to and adds the watch folder.  This means that I am correctly setting up the docker (I am getting no error that path does not exist).  



I then go back to the user scripts plugin that I am using and change the script.  I set it to point the rclone dropbox to mount to the file system under /mnt/user/dropbox (same directory that I originally set in deluge that worked).  I run the script in the background and confirm via terminal that dropbox is working (it does). 




I then go back in deluge and remove the directory "/dropbox" (which is linked to /mnt/user/dropbox) and try to re add it again.  I add it using the SAME EXACT DIRECTORY that I did previously.  I get the error "path does not exist".  This proves to me that rclone is changing something to the directory that prevents deluge from using / seeing it. 



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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, strike said:

Found the post: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/53807-support-binhex-radarr/?do=findComment&comment=1134701



Run the docker safe new permission tool on your the shares you mentioned first, then add the lines I mention in that post to your script and try again. 

Sorry, I don't fully understand your post but am willing to try.  I cannot find the "safe new permission tool".  I can find a "new permissions tool"  but want to confirm that is the same thing.  Also, I don't understand the flags --uid 99 --gid 99.  Would this be ran with my dropbox mount script?  Sorry, entry-medium level user here


rclone mount dropbox: /mnt/user/dropbox & --uid 99 --gid 99

Edited by AceEsCloud
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You don't have this one? It might be part of fix common problmes plugin I can't remember.


I don't use rclone myself I just picked up that part about adding the uid/gid somewhere on the forum when somebody had permissions issues. But yeah you out that in your rclone mounting script.

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thanks for the help but the --uid / gid flags are not found, I am trying to find out if there is a way to add these flags.  That post does help with me understanding the issue a bit more though (if I am moving in the right direction).  The more and more I look at it the more I believe it is a file permissions issue.  they state that the rclone plugin maybe running on root so I would assume this would change file permissions.  I'll keep searching...  

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So I got it working.  I added  --allow-other to my array startup script (listed below).  This also did not fix it but I went back to my container settings for deluge and changed the Console shell command to "shell".  I did this on a lucky guess because I could see the files in the sh terminal.  I wish I fully understood the difference here but it is now working.


mkdir -p /mnt/user/dropbox


rclone mount dropbox: /mnt/user/dropbox --allow-other &



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