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Why does Windows copy to the local machine first?

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As I understand it, if I open an unraid share in Windows Explorer, and then copy a file from one folder in the share to another, Windows actually copies the file to itself (the workstation) and then to the new folder on the unraid share.


Why is this?


Does unraid support any sort of gui-based utility, like explorer.exe, so I can move files directly on the server?  I am copying many terabytes of data as we speak over my gig switch, but after tonight, the server will sit in another room on a powerline ethernet adapter.  My next task is to organize files, and if I have to wait for Windows to copy a 40GB bluray rip to itself and then the destination, I will be organizing my files for the next ten years.



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if you move, the the files are on the same user share (but different areas) it is instant.

ie, move from \\tower\storage\new to \\tower\storage\movies will be instant.


I don't believe Windows actually copies the file to an area of the HDD but it does copy through the network and is limited by it.

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if you move, the the files are on the same user share (but different areas) it is instant.

That is only instant IF both source and destination are on the same physical disk. Not necessarily the same share, since a share probably has some sort of split level.

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Ya, a move within the same share will leave the data on the same disk. Beware that the split level will be ignored doing this. Doing moves should work though if are just sorting your files out in the same share and it should be quick. Don't just do a drag and drop though because that is a copy and it won't happen instantaneously. Right click and drag and then unclick and select Move from the menu.



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