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Re: unRAID Server Release 5.0-rc12 Available


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I love unRAID, I don't know what I would do without it. It has been a blessing since I ran into it and it has change my life 180 degrees.

I have no idea why anyone would post any negative remark in the slightest bit, i just can't fathom. Every single aspect not only works but exceeds anything one may imagine.


Is this more to your liking, can this post be kept? or will it too be deleted? on the record.

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Posting this for Madburg since he has banned him from posting to this thread.


From: WeeboTech


Relax man. We know he's made hardware purchases. You don't know what's going on in his life.

It's a software package. If you are that unhappy,  you can ask for your money back.

You're pretty upset on me for deleting a post. There was no censoring, I deleted a post that was not on topic  and was posted to stir the pot.


Please consider these points before you post negative comments and/or send me PMs

is it True?

is it Helpful?

is it Inspiring?

is it Necessary?

is it Kind?


From: Madburg


He promised me 2 years ago he was purchasing by MB and Proc, so your statement is not TRUE, HELPFUL, nor INSPIRING.


No, you deleted 3 posts not "a post", and the first post you deleted was a reply back to YOUR post at me, so you have no right to delete a reply post.

And the rest you don't get to dictate your not Tom! Unless you're willing to personally pay for ALL the hardware I purchased, not just the license.


And your points are not OFFICIAL forum rules, you don't get to make stuff up as you please.


Read ALL the posts on this thread there are tons that are NOT true, helpful, Inspiring, necessary, or kind


BUT NOT A SINGLE ONE THE GOT DELETED so YOU abused your mod privileges and deleted only mine! and now denied me access to Post to the thread. So you my friend ARE a communist censor!


Personal this is very messed up. I think if you start deleting other's posts you have to start wondering... I too am a displeased unRAID user, but I am not an IT guy, madburg had setup my original unRAID server for me and my family back when he thought it was the greatest thing under the sun.


So I opened up an account to be able to relay this message for him at his request.


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No one was banned. I asked him to take it to the top. To Tom directly.

He could have communicated with Tom and/or I directly. In fact we were communicating.


I also asked that deviating topics be posted to new threads to keep the release thread from deviating even more.



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Pretty big of you to PM me with BS and then remove my ability to post to the thread, then you moved only some of what was on the thread to here, but did not restore the other 3 posts you deleted that were posted in reply to your post toward me and before the request of deviating topics.

Yet you left your BS posts in the thread because your a true champ WeeboTech hiding behind your mod privileges. Did you get a rush from deleting posts you didn't fancy? Why don't you share with the community how many posts you've deleted since you have been a mod, be a man and fess up.


You decided to single me out, remember what I told you, what goes around comes around.

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I must have missed 60 minutes.  Is this ranting over lack of 5.0?  Like 5.0 is going to make coffee or turn on the TV automatically or something?  This isn't an iPhone people...there is no need for a new version every 6 months and bitching and complaining that a new version is not released yet is just sad.  It is a build and forget - throw it in the closet and clean the dust filters on it once in a while.  Turn your attention to your kids or significant other.  My vent for the day, feel free to delete.

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I must have missed 60 minutes.  Is this ranting over lack of 5.0?

Nope. This is a rant about unfixed issues in 5rc builds that at this point look like they are going to continue to be issues in 5.0 final. Good, bad or indifferent, there are still significant bugs in all of the RC builds so far, and right now nobody but Tom knows if they are fully addressed in 5rc13. The bugs aren't total show stoppers obviously, but they effect certain configurations and situations pretty severely, which makes them show stoppers for a subset of users. Lack of official communication, plus unaffected users piling on saying nothing is wrong here, just release it already, made for a vocal confrontation.
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I must have missed 60 minutes.  Is this ranting over lack of 5.0?

Nope. This is a rant about unfixed issues in 5rc builds that at this point look like they are going to continue to be issues in 5.0 final. Good, bad or indifferent, there are still significant bugs in all of the RC builds so far, and right now nobody but Tom knows if they are fully addressed in 5rc13. The bugs aren't total show stoppers obviously, but they effect certain configurations and situations pretty severely, which makes them show stoppers for a subset of users. Lack of official communication, plus unaffected users piling on saying nothing is wrong here, just release it already, made for a vocal confrontation.

Thank you.


The sad part is that they all know, just pretend this is all alright and acceptable, they're playing smoke and mirrors, but thats quite alright. Tom threw the mods a bone, so their feed, can't bite the hand that feed you. But we all have to be patient which is just an insult to make such a repeated statement after hearing it for 2 year. And if you don't have anything good to say then you're wasted their time. But the BS I see posted all day long of no value whatsoever is quite alright. Whatever makes them happy... an unsatisfied customer is not welcome to post.

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