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Weird unraid problems, unable to determine cause


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My unraid has been behaving very weird lately… I thought it was first just plex…here are the problems I’ve been having… I think it may be a related cause but have no idea what to do


1. First noticed that plex would not update my library.  I could still play files through plex, but plex would not see new files added.  These new files could still be accessed through shares by my pc, but plex wouldn’t see them.


2. Later on I noticed that my yamj stopped running… I had a cron job scheduled once per week which just mysteriously stopped.  I have restarted numerous times, and the job is in my go file, however it won’t run.


3. Just recently noticed that a program I use called Media Center Master, which I use to access movies and files, and download metadata, started behaving weird.  Usually it reads the movie and then downloaded metadata, then renames the movie file to a format I’ve set.  Well now it will download metadata but it won’t rename the folder, I get an error message which says ‘cannot rename folder, is folder in use?’  note that this program resides on my pc, but it accesses, downloads metadata and renames folders in my unraid shares


4. Also recently I noticed that sickbeard downloaded a new episode but then gave me an error ‘Unable to post-process an episode if the show dir doesn't exist, quitting’  the folder definitely does exist!!!


I’m not asking for every single issue to be troubleshot, however its super weird that I’ve gone from a totally working setup to having a bunch of mysterious problems… I suspect that maybe they have a common cause?


Any suggestions on how to troublehsoot?  I’ve been working on the plex problem for days, but making no headway, including a full uninstall and reinstall!  But still no go!!


Really freaking out here!  I’m kind of an unraid newb although I’ve had a great running system for a year and half…


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ok i happened to run the new permissions script.  but then i checked a pretty new file (colony) and an old file (superman) and they have slightly different permissions.  could this be part of the problem?


-rw-rwS--- 1 nobody users  4693907165 Sep 2 13:37 the.colony.2013.720p.mkv


-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users 7043949948 Jun 7 2009 Superman.mkv


not sure what the Capital S means, as well, i was surprised to see 'users' and not just user?


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Check permissions. It sounds like maybe the new files are not being added with the correct rights, maybe the programs running on unraid are being started by a privileged user instead of nobody.


This is the problem.


so i posted an example of my permissions above, but will copy here:


-rw-rwS--- 1 nobody users  4693907165 Sep 2 13:37 the.colony.2013.720p.mkv


-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users 7043949948 Jun 7 2009 Superman.mkv


i think its not just about new files, because i have done a fresh install of plex, deleting the whole library, and can add NO files whatsoever...


in terms of users, on my unraid main page under users, there is only one setup called 'root'


i think i can see a settings.ini file for plex and that there is a command called RUNAS='unraid-plex'... could this be the problem?  its been working for a year this way, but should i change it to root, user, nobody?  help!!!


i feel like you guys know what my problem is but i need a little nudge to be able to solve it!

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well i think i'm getting closer, but now stuck


tried running yamj (bc having no luck with plex!) and discovered that it seems like yamj will process files with permissions like


-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users 7043949948 Jun 7 2009 Superman.mkv


but seems to hang on files with permissions like


-rw-rwS--- 1 nobody users  4693907165 Sep 2 13:37 the.colony.2013.720p.mkv


think that big S is causing me trouble?  have tried to search on what that means but can't figure it out...


any advice where to go from here?


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ok thanks for replying... i assume it was sabnzbd that set permissions that way when the file was created... but really have no idea


i really have no idea where to go next or what things i should troubleshoot first!  if anyone has any suggestions it is appreciated


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