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Setting MTU Size

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Hoping for a little help. I've searched the forum to find examples of how to set my NIC's MTU size for jumbo frames at bootup. I can set it manually all day using the "ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000" command from the command line, but no matter what I've tried I can't get it to set at bootup. Tried setting it in the /boot/config/network.cfg file using MTU=9000, that hasn't worked for me. Tried using the "sbin/ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000 up" command in /etc/rc.d/rc.local, that hasn't worked for me, and I've tried setting the MTU size in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf using the MTU[0]="9000". I'm not totally linux challenged, but I'm very far from being an expert, so I'm asking for help. btw: I'm new to Unraid, and still in testing mode. So far, I'm very impressed. I'm an old NAS appliance guy, looking to upgrade my "long in the tooth" Buffalo Terastations. I'm very happy I ran across Unraid, it's probably going to save me major dollars I was going to spend purchasing a NAS appliance. Anway , back on topic, if somone could please give me a clue as to what I'm doing wrong, I would be most appreciative.

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