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2 Unraid Servers on the same network (SOLVED)


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Hi all,

is there a way to rename an UNRaid server? I have two servers on the same network and I can't access one of them via the machine name. Is there a way to access both boxes? Currently the main server has shared drives mapped via Tower.

My long term goal was to have two servers, one backed up to the second server.

Any ideas?


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You also have to change the name of ONE of the servers by doing this:


1--  Shut one server down.


2-- At this point, you should be able to access the other server by typing http://Tower in a web browser.


3-- Click on the settings tab.  Click on the 'Identification' icon.  Change the 'Server name'. click on 'Apply' and 'Done'.


4-- Reboot the server. 


You may want to set a permanent IP address for your servers.  (This prevents the IP address from ever changing.) You can find instructions and (more importantly) recommendations on settings here:




Ver 5 has make this much simpler by using the 'Network setting' icon under the settings tab.  Most important recommendation I would make about setting a permanent address to to go to the top of the allow range of addresses.  This will prevent the router from ever assigning this address to another device.  (See your router manual for the allowable range of addresses.  What the address range is depends on the manufacturer of your router.)

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