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[Solved] Since upgrading to 6.x, problems with sabnzbd files. Invalid par2 files errors


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I upgraded from 5.0.3 to 6.0-beta 12.


I upgraded PhAzE 32-bit plugins to the 64-bit plugins. All of my configurations for the plugins stayed the same.


Now 80% of my downloads from sabnzbd failed to extract. I get Invalid par2 files. If I manually extract them, they work fine.


I ran the permissions script when I first upgraded.


Any thoughts?

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I think Sab is working on it.  There has been a poster(s) that have been uploading bad par2 files.  Others have mentioned that it could be because the scene has switched to a different uploader that is much slower in getting all the files out.  so it ends up looking like it is incomplete. In other words it is not an unraid only issue.


In the mean time, you can go to config -> Switches and uncheck "Post-Process Only Verified Jobs".

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Thanks for the info.


BRiT, I plan on switching to nzbget once I get dockers up and running. A friend uses nzbdrone with nzbget and its amazing how good it is compared to sickbeard and sabnzbd. All the files that fail for me work for him.


Right now the separate nzbget plugin fails to load for me with all my other PhAzE  plugins.

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