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New disk but zero space


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I hoped some one can help me out. My disk1 2tb is ran out of space, all 100% use. Yesterday, I upgrade disk 1 to 4tb (Seagate disk). After success upgrade my disk 1 shows Size =4TB, use = 2TB, and Free = 0TB. That's reason when I do manual mover disk, the data in cache drive it doesn't flush all the data because of no space of disk 1 for them to move. I'm upgrade disks couple time, but this

time I have problem, Please help me out or give me a suggestion

Thanks in advance


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Using putty or the console, run this command ...

df /dev/md1


and post the results.


It should display something like ...


Filesystem      1K-blocks      Used  Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/md1      3906899292 1942327812 1964571480  50% /mnt/disk1


(My disk1 just happens to be about 50% full like yours should be)


What version of unRAID are you using?  Did you try stopping and starting the array and, as a last resort, rebooting?


I know some of the 6.0 betas after supporting XFS and BTRFS did not expand a disk after a rebuild, but if you are running unRAID 5, this would not be the issue.

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Using putty or the console, run this command ...

df /dev/md1


and post the results.


It should display something like ...


Filesystem      1K-blocks      Used  Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/md1      3906899292 1942327812 1964571480  50% /mnt/disk1


wow, that is quick. Many thanks you guy

my unRAID system version 6.0 beta 7.

Let's run df command and report back



(My disk1 just happens to be about 50% full like yours should be)


What version of unRAID are you using?  Did you try stopping and starting the array and, as a last resort, rebooting?


I know some of the 6.0 betas after supporting XFS and BTRFS did not expand a disk after a rebuild, but if you are running unRAID 5, this would not be the issue.

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Using putty or the console, run this command ...

df /dev/md1


and post the results.


It should display something like ...


Filesystem      1K-blocks      Used  Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/md1      3906899292 1942327812 1964571480  50% /mnt/disk1


(My disk1 just happens to be about 50% full like yours should be)



Hello bjp999,

After issue command df /dev/md1  seem it does'nt solve problem , my unRAID system version 6.0 beta 7

Thanks again bjp999



What version of unRAID are you using?  Did you try stopping and starting the array and, as a last resort, rebooting?


I know some of the 6.0 betas after supporting XFS and BTRFS did not expand a disk after a rebuild, but if you are running unRAID 5, this would not be the issue.


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Using putty or the console, run this command ...

df /dev/md1


and post the results.


It should display something like ...


Filesystem      1K-blocks      Used  Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/md1      3906899292 1942327812 1964571480  50% /mnt/disk1


(My disk1 just happens to be about 50% full like yours should be)


What version of unRAID are you using?  Did you try stopping and starting the array and, as a last resort, rebooting?


I know some of the 6.0 betas after supporting XFS and BTRFS did not expand a disk after a rebuild, but if you are running unRAID 5, this would not be the issue.


Sorry for my blind, I should post this thread in section unRAID OS version 6.x Support , my mistake.

Thanks again

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Just emphasizing what he said...  You are running Linux kernel 3.16.0, which was only found in UnRAID releases 6.0-beta7 and 6.0-beta8, which happen to be the 2 worst possible versions of UnRAID to use.  PLEASE update as soon as possible, then check for file corruption!

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Just emphasizing what he said...  You are running Linux kernel 3.16.0, which was only found in UnRAID releases 6.0-beta7 and 6.0-beta8, which happen to be the 2 worst possible versions of UnRAID to use.  PLEASE update as soon as possible, then check for file corruption!


Can I still keep my config files, by copy whole config directory , then restore it back ?



I'm new with linux , please help me out.

Thanks you

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As well as having potential file system corruption issues, I am reasonably certain that beta 7 did not have the feature of expanding the disk size when you replaced a disk with a larger one.  I believe once the OP gets onto beta 12 this will be detected and the disk auto-expanded when the system is booted up with beta 12.

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Can I still keep my config files, by copy whole config directory , then restore it back ?


According to the Upgrade instructions in the Release announcement, you should only need to copy a few files and reboot.


Edit:  By the way, I'm going to move this thread to the V6 support board soon.


Thanks you all to help me solve problem. Specially to RobJ point me to right direction to save my time and effort .

To solve this problem I have to upgrade to current version 6.0 beta 12 . After upgrade OS to 6.0.12  my unRAID works normal again, I can flush cache drive and moving files around. Next time if I want to upgrade, the first thing is upgrade OS to eliminate problem.

Again thanks for your helps.





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