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Disk / Flash Export Settings


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Please forgive the probably silly question... I've just upgraded from 6.0b6 to b12. To do this I enabled the flash share (hidden) on b6. Within the updated GUI on b12 I cannot for the life of me find where to turn that back off again? Nor can I see the raw drive export settings for any of the hdds in the server?


Thanks in advance (hopefully this is an easy one!)


Happy New Year!

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I'm missing something. That tab doesn't appear in my screen. I have Flash Device Settings and Syslinux configuration. I'm on Dynamix webGui v2014.12.01.


Interestingly array drives are the same, I have a Device Settings and Health tab.


I am running AD integrated if that makes any difference?





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I can browse to it (it is public/hidden) but cannot for the life of me see where to modify this behaviour anymore.

I'd also like to disable the flash browsing. Not for any specific reason other than it being a good thing to do.


SMB is how I access (no AFP or NFS enabled); AD is simply the security level I apply over the top of my shares to stop the kids from deleting stuff!

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