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beginner need help


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i am new here and make my first steps with unraid. I've build a server with an Asrock ION T3 mini ITX, a fat power supply and some disks from stock. All disks are connected on a new AOC-SAS2LP-MV8-O-P. OS is ok, can reach the tower via browser an see the GUI. BUT....while booting the green lights on the supermicro board flashing a short time and go then dark. In the GUI i can see no disk. If the disks will connected on the onboard sata's, i can see them in the GUI.

Now i am a bit confused and would be very afraid about some 'input'.


greetings matze

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See this in your syslog

Jan 10 11:22:41 Tower kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): error, fat_free_clusters: deleting FAT entry beyond EOF
Jan 10 11:22:41 Tower kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): Filesystem has been set read-only

This will prevent you from configuring anything on your system.


Put your flash drive in your PC and run checkdisk on it.



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In your syslog I see this every once in a while.  I'm not sure if that because the file is corrupted, or if its just never been created (ie: you've never started the array).  Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can pipe in.


Jan 10 12:07:19 Tower kernel: read_file: error 2 opening /boot/config/super.dat
Jan 10 12:07:19 Tower kernel: md: could not read superblock from /boot/config/super.dat
Jan 10 12:07:19 Tower kernel: md: initializing superblock


But, I do have a question regarding the SAS2LP.  When you have drives connected to it, does it identify the drives connected to it during boot up?

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If you connect a monitor to the server, do you see during a cold boot the sas2lp's BIOS identifying the disks?


If you hit CTRL-M during the the identification process, do you see the attached drives?


For all we know, the controller isn't recognizing any attached disks at all (hence why unRaid wouldn't see them) due to a bad or wrong type of cable

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Maybe its just me, but I don't see whether those cables are forward breakout or reverse breakout  (you need forward to go from the card to the drives)


If you don't see something like this picture during bootup, then the card isn't recognizing the drives at all.  Either cables, bad card, possibly need to reflash, etc.



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If you don't see a list of the identified drives, then unRaid is not going to see the drives because as far as the controller card is concerned there are NO drives connected


Forward / Reverse Breakout cables look identical but are not the same.


Forward breakout go from the 8087 connector on your card to Sata connectors on the drives


Reverse breakouts go from Sata connectors on your motherboard to an 8087 connector on a hotswap backplane.


I tried looking at a number of different websites for those cables, and all I could see was multilane crossover.  Not sure what that exactly means in this case.  All the other manufacturers label them as either forward or reverse breakout.

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