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6b12 Data drive never spins down


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I have an assortment of drives on this server.  My 2 TB data WDC WD20EARS never spin down.  I will probably just replace these 2 2TB drives with a 4 TB HGST the next time one goes on sale.


Anything anyone would like me to provide while these are still in my machine?

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Are you sure the drives are set to spin down?    This can be changed individually ... if these drives have somehow inadvertently been changed that could explain why they're not spinning down.


Also, do you have any add-ons that are using these drives for their data store?  That could also explain this.


Finally, do you have Cache Dirs installed -- if so, do these two drives happen to have a very large # of files on them that could result in Cache Dirs doing a continual refresh?    [if that happens to be the case, then modify the parameters for Cache Dirs so it's not caching the troublesome folders]



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1 - no autostart, 1 hour spindown delay, each disk set to use default

2 - neither would spin down with no data on them, now 1 of the 2 has data (but is going through a new config/parity rebuild)

3 - one of the needed add-ons!  at this point, no.  This will be added after each share has a fully robocopy from my main server.


the only add-ons at this point are unmenu (for ups/clean powerdown, and screen).

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I have seen this but it only seems to affect the last data drive. Before I added a 5th data drive, my 4th drive would not spin down on its own, but I could spin it down by clicking the button and it would stay spun down. Now that I have added a 5th data drive, this behaviour has shifted to it. My 4th and 5th drive are 3TB, and parity, 1, 2, and 3 are 4TB. During my monthly parity check, drive 4 spun down after the parity check had got beyond 3TB as it should, but drive 5 didn't. This drive is a WD 3TB Red just like drive 4 and all of the others are also WD Red drives, so it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the drive model, just the position in the array. Also, drive 5 is currently empty and not included in any share, so there is definitely nothing accessing it.


Anyway, not a big deal, and I think jonp mentioned somewhere that they may have a fix for this forthcoming.


Just thought I would share my experience. This behaviour or something like it has spawned a number of threads.

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1 - manual spin down indicates that they do spin down but after a few moments they start spinning again.  This is when they are in the array (i know out of array does not autospin down sadly).


2 - plugin dynamix updated and system restarted - issue appears to be gone. - thanks

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