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KVM switch (keybd,video, mouse) - unraid stops accepting keyboard input


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I've got a 4 port KVM switch (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817399062).  I've got it connected to a desktop computer, unRAID and an unRAID VM (using the *other* KVM).  When I start the unRAID server, keyboard input works fine.  But if I switch away and come back to it, no input is accepted.  The video works, i.e. I can see the prompt for unRAID.  If I telnet to the server, I can interact with it, but I wanted to have the "direct line".


Any suggestions for how to resolve this? 

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Does the switch have the latest firmware?

I did indeed update the firmware.

My KVM works fine with each of my two servers, and a third computer.  Try using a different set of lines.

Different set of lines?  You mean different usb port?


The KVM switch works fine between multiple windows machines not running in VMs.  It just seems to have trouble with unRAID.

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That doesn't help.


But it looks like the USB ids changed since I started the VM.  I'm wondering if this is a (virtualization) KVM issue.


That is, when I first started the server, the two instances were bus 2, device 4 and bus 2, device 7.  Now they are still on bus 2, but are devices 17 and 22.

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