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New user and some shares questions


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Hello all,


Relatively new to unRAID and so, I am trying to get a handle on how it works and at this point, what I have is the server up and running, with three users, root and two others. I have four shares that I created, audio, video, TV and Backup. Root has read/write access to all as do the other two users at this point. Under permissions, AFP, I have the security set to Private however, I am unable to do that under SMB security settings. Best I can do is Secure. This is the same for all Shares. See attached as example.


The server will not show up in my network on the PC unless I add it to the address bar in explorer. I then shows up and I can access it but it will disappear on reboot unless I presume, I map the drive? What shows up in explorer is all my share folders, plus the flash folder and then another called disk1, which is my non-parity drive. This is the one that is confusing me. If I open one of the share folders, Audio for example, I am unable to do anything in this folder. I have no permissions. If I open the disk1 folder, I again see folders with the same name as my shares and, I am able to create new sub-directories and copy files to these locations. Shouldn't I be able to do the same directly in the Shares without going into disk1?


As I am just testing this out, I have a limited disk structure. I have one 3Tb parity disk and one more small drive for testing, which is 500 Gb.


My other question is about recording TV shows aka PVR functions. I am assuming this is what the TVheadend plugin did but it appears as this is no longer valid? What would you suggest to add this functionality? Once I get a better handle on the setup and permissions, I want to add Plex in and something to give me the PVR functionality.


I am on version 5.06 and did not update to 6 be3cause at the time, I understood that the Plex plugin and the TVheadend plugins were not compatible. But now it seems, they do not work in 5.06 anymore either so ...perhaps I should upgrade?


All comments and help to this questions are most appreciated.






unRAID version 5.06


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Are you using the free version? Some of the security modes are not supported with free.


Root user has no network access to user shares by design.


Make unRAID the local master in SMB settings and shutdown all other network computers to allow it to takeover. This will help make it browsable in explorer.


You might also try clearing any unRAID references in Credential Manager so you can start over with getting authenticated.

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Thanks for the response.


I am using the free version for now but will purchase a key once I am sure it will work for me. Sorry, where does one find Credential Manager? Just to clarify, this is a mixed network, Macs, PC's and Linux.



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