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System Crash


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Hi all,


I've experienced this twice now over the last week, the first time i put down to 'one of those things', but twice was enough to concern me.


I'm running 6.14b with a Win7 Xen VM and have been for a while now with no apparent trouble. I first noticed this 'issue' when the web gui would not respond, however my Win7 VM was still running, i then couldn't get PLEX to play anything (server running on the VM), so i assumed the disk shares were also not responding. I decided to restart the array via telnet, so i logged in and executed 'shutdown -r now' which telnet verified was shutting down the system, like it should. But nothing. The system stayed exactly how it was, resulting in me having to manually power off, by holding the power button down  :'(


I'd really appreciate some help, my syslog link is below, with some entries i have definitely not seen before. Hopefully its something that can be sorted out.




Thank you,



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What you're seeing is another one of the rcu_sched stall issues which seems to affect some people running 6b14 and using reiserfs on their drives.  (Although in your case when it started it never stopped)


The solution for most people has been to convert their drives one at a time from ReiserFS to XFS, which makes the issue go away.


I would however like to ask you what the tunable settings are in Disk Settings.  I had this issue (albeit under different circumstances) and was able to adjust it to make it go away.


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Thank you for the quick reply.


Coincidentally i'm just in the process of migrating to XFS and am currently swapping data from drive to drive. Unfortunately the GUI has crashed again, so as soon as the data transfer finishes, i'll reboot and check the tunable settings.



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