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Unable to Access unRAID GUI (v6.0)


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Running OS X Yosemite on Apple MacBook.


Downloaded Download unRAIDServer-6.0-beta15-x86_64.zip.

Extracted files and copied to USB Flash drive.

Made USB Drive bootable by double clicking on "make_bootable_mac"

Successfully booted from USB Drive (I am using an old Dell PC with two internal hard drives)


CPU is Intel ® Core 2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66 GHz  2.66 GHz L2 Cache 4096KB

Memory Installed = 4096 MB, Channel Mode = Dual, Memory Technology = DDR2 SDRAM


When I tried to access unRAID GUI from Safari using http://tower.local nothing happened.

Then managed to get access to unRAID GUI by entering IP address into Safari (the Dell PC [based on its Mac address] had a reserved IP address of 192.168.02).


Now cannot access unRAID GUI either by using http://tower.local or by using


Grateful for help.



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I have a monitor and keyboard attached to Dell PC that is acting as unRAID server. Dell PC is connected to router with a cable.


After unRAID boot last two lines displayed on monitor are:


Welcome to Linux 3.19.4-unRAID (tty1)

Tower login:


If I enter root at prompt above I get new prompt:



When I ping I get "10 packets transmitted. 0 packets received. 100.0% packet loss.

When i try to ping www.tower.local or http://tower.local i get

"ping: cannot resolve http://tower.local: Unknown host"


Any advice??


Many thanks

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Welcome to Linux 3.19.4-unRAID (tty1)

Tower login:


I entered root at prompt above I got new prompt:



NowI  entered: ifconfig eth0

I get:

eth0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500

          ether 1b:93:a7:81:04:67  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)

          RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)

          RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0

          TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)

          TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0

          device interupt 20  memory 0xfdfc0000-fdfe0000



1b:93:a7:81:04:67 is the correct Mac address for my Dell PC/unRAID server


Further thoughts??


Many thanks

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Note: I am using unRAIDServer-6.0-beta15-x86_64.zip.


Router is set up to use DHCP


In your email I did not understand: "Code: [select]" - could you explain??




Welcome to Linux 3.19.4-unRAID (tty1)

Tower login:


I entered root at prompt above I got new prompt:



NowI  entered:cat /boot/config/network.cfg


I got:

# Generated network settings






What next??


Many thanks

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This is a code block:

If you click on [select], it will select the contents so you can copy and paste it.

You get it when you click on the # button when composing messages on the forum.


Check the ethernet connection to your unRAID server at both ends.


Do you have multiple NICS? If so, try the other one.

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I found faulty ethernet connection - now fixed.


Still no connection if I enter http://tower.local into Safari


If I enter into Safari I get to

Lime Tech

unRAID server Trial


with Dashboard : Main : Users : Settings : Plugins : Tools across the top


and I seem to be able to access various elements of GUI.


Two more queries:

1) Any reason that http://tower.local does not work??

2) Under Network Services SMB is enabled (by default). Given that I am using Apple MacBook do I need to enable AFP?? Or is this only required if I am doing Time Machine backups to unRAID server??


Thanks again for your help.

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Everything seems to work from (so not really concerned that http://tower.local does not work).


I have not yet configured/formatted array. However, just a couple of start up questions to finish if I may:


1) I also have a Synology NAS on my LAN so presumably I do not want to make the unRAID server the local master??

2) I am communicating with unRAID server from Apple MacBook - therefore should I disable SMB and enable AFP??

3) I have set a passord for the root user but I note that I seem to be able to access Tower from my MacBook as a "Guest" without any password!! I cannot find a setting to disable Guest users - how do I do this??

4) I have found user guide information on Lime-Tech website on v6, viz:



Can you point me to any other user guides - particularly for new users of unRAID??

In particular are there a set of recommendations to make unRAID user secure from hacks/unauthorised access etc etc??


Many thanks for your help

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Don't know about Synology. Does it need to be local master for some reason? Making unRAID local master and part of the same workgroup is usually the solution to making it also available by name instead of just by IP.


SMB seems to be the most reliable as far as I have seen from reading the forum for a few years. It is the only thing I have used. Maybe AFP is required for Time Machine, but I have no experience.


Network access to shares cannot use the root user. A password for root really only affects logging in to console or telnet, or the webGUI. If you are trying to use root to access a user share, then you are really just getting Public access.


By default, all user shares have Public access. Go to Shares and click on a user share. You can set the SMB security settings there.


Note that none of this is meant to prevent serious hackers. If you want access from the internet, you should use a VPN.

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Many thanks. How about:


I have found user guide information on Lime-Tech website on v6, viz:



Can you point me to any other user guides - particularly for new users of unRAID??

In particular are there a set of recommendations to make unRAID user secure from hacks/unauthorised access etc etc??


Thanks again

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Many thanks. How about:


I have found user guide information on Lime-Tech website on v6, viz:



Can you point me to any other user guides - particularly for new users of unRAID??

In particular are there a set of recommendations to make unRAID user secure from hacks/unauthorised access etc etc??


Thanks again

Those 2 are probably the most current. You might also take a look at the main limetech site for other articles, for example, the blog on that site. You can also search the wiki, but some of it is out-of-date. This forum is also a great resource. Here are some tips on searching the forum.


As for security, do you mean from within your local network, or on the internet? Your router is probably the best security against the outside, and if you need to access from outside then VPN is probably the best way to remain secure. From within your local network, well unless you secure physical access to the server anything else is probably moot against anyone clever enough.

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Not concerned about access from my LAN.


I understand that I should use a VPN if accessing unRAID server from internet.


I was really talking about a third party trying to get access from the internet. Is there anything else I should do besides the protection of being behind a router??


Many thanks.

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